Can't STAND it.


New Member
What's the deal with metal tank stands? I went to my local homegrown pet store today and they said metal tank stands were so 70's. Um...What?! I saw one on ***** online called the Manhattan Metal Tank Stand and it has good reviews and looks great AND will fit my 20 gal long. Is there some safety reason why people use wood over metal? Any other reason why this may be the preference? Any info would be great. Thanks!


Shillelagh Law
It is mostly aesthetic. Metal stands pretty well look like crap, even when compared to the allen wrench and medium density fiberboard monstrosities that they are sitting next to on the sales floor of your local big box chain pet store.

For reptile enclosures there is also a little bit of a safety issue though. Metal stands rarely have solid shelving for the tank to rest on. The edges of the tank need to be lined up exactly with the metal frame around the top of the stand. With a fishtank full of water, the inertia of the tank is substantially more significant than it is with a mostly empty reptile enclosure- the weight of the tank sort of holds it in place. It's pretty easy to bump a twenty gallon leopard gecko enclosure a few degrees sideways or a few inches in any direction through incidental contact- pushing the tank off the metal rim where it sits and causing it to tip sideways through the frame. The crappy cheap wooden stands have solid shelves, so the point of balance is much less of a problem.


New Member
Miami, FL
The store is starred out because it is against TOS to make refrence to any business, including big name pet stores. It's good to read the TOS before posting ;) As for your original question, I personally would prefer metal over wood, less fire hazard. I've never heard them refrenced as being "70s". If you like it, get it.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
Metal tank stands are perfectly fine, it is just an aesthetic choice. Pet Co and Pet Smart are filtered out to save the mod staff from having to moderate every post with an attack against them.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
The store is starred out because it is against TOS to make refrence to any business, including big name pet stores. It's good to read the TOS before posting ;)

It is not against the TOS to reference any business, only to post an attack against one. Since most people have nothing nice to say about the two big chains they are automatically filtered to save us from having to moderate the thousands of "I hate store X" posts. If someone wants to bypass the censor to show off their new gecko from Pet Co or pass on a great deal at Pet Smart they are free to do so, but bypassing to post a TOS-violating attack will almost certainly result in an infraction with no warning since that poster had two chances to avoid it (reading the TOS and not bypassing the censor) and chose to do so anyway.


New Member
Metal tank stands are perfectly fine, it is just an aesthetic choice. Pet Co and Pet Smart are filtered out to save the mod staff from having to moderate every post with an attack against them.

Thanks on both counts! You all have been very helpful! :). I like the metal Vs the wood because they seem less bulky. However, the stability is what concerns me with the metal. It's good to know that the reason i don't see as many metal stands as I do wood isn't because of safety, but aesthetics.


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
I use 16" slate floor tiles under a tank on a metal stand to help distribute weight evenly. Same width as the breeder size tank. Then a 12" under one tank corner to support the heat mat. The only part of the tile that's visible is the edge of the 16" tiles. Metal stands can be easily spray painted to blend into any decor if one so desired.


New Member
I have the Manhattan stand and like it a lot. It is a bit tippy but otherwise its a great stand.

First hand knowledge; sweet! Thanks for the info! I called today to see if they had it in stock but they don't :(. They're gonna order some and have 'em in soon. I'll let everyone know what i think of it!

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