Chosing a tile layout - opinions?


New Member
After scoping out some crafts and home improvement stores y'day, I have an idea of what to do with my 10-gallon tank.

I'm thinking of natural slate tiles on the bottom. On the hot side, I'll have a 6x6 or so slate platform, raised up about 3", which can serve as both a hide and a second level. I'm thinking of continuing the "balcony" across the back of the tank, with a ramp to a 6" high platform on the cold side. Humid hide goes underneath in the back corner, and either another small 3" high platform in the front corner, or a ramp to the high platform, to serve as a cold hide. Water and food dishes can go under balconies and he'll have plenty of space in front to lie on the tile. Also want to add a day lamp above the cold side to heat that platform a bit; UTH is doing a nice job on the hot side, but I'm having trouble keeping the cold side above 65 degrees.

The idea is to use slate adhesive/grout to stick the balcony pieces together, so they can't fall on Frankie*, but not to stick them to the floor, so I can remove them for easy cleaning. I even thought of building small slate walls on a piece of tile for a water dish, but that might be a bit too advanced for now.

I still have to diagram this out to make sure it will fit, and I'm counting on the fact that I can cut the slate with a mason's chisel. If I can't, then it's Plan B.

I was also thinking of stick-on floor tile for the back of the tank, just because it's cheap and lightweight, although it's a little shiny.

The amazing thing to me is how much $$ one can save if one shops at DIY stores. Water dishes at the pet store, $5. Painted terra cotta dishes @ DIY Center, $0.79. Driftwood at P*t*o, $14. Driftwood at Home Depot, $2.39. Amazing.

Anyway... thoughts on my ideas?

* That's his name, Frankie Four Fingers. From the movie Snatch, as in "Frankie F***ing Four Fingers has a diamond the size of a fist." I know, my geck is missing all his fingers/toes, not just one, but I still love the reference.
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