Chronic Pain Forum



Ever since I started keeping reptiles and have had access to the WEB-I have noticed that there are many herp keepers like myself that suffer from Chronic Pain from varying conditions

We all know what the US Gov and The DEA has been up to with labeling us all "drug seeking addicts" in our efforts to try and keep our daily pain to a level that allows us to have any quality of life

I want to link anyone interested to a wonderful Pain Forum

It is an offshoot of the PRN (Pain Relief Network)-an association that is very politically active in trying to change legislation for Chronic Pain patients and the Doctors that try and treat them
They provide valuable information for all people dealing with chronic pain or that have loved ones dealing with this problem

There is increasing interference from the US government with doctors and their patients and the prescribing of Opioids which has left many people unable to get treatment for both their illness and their pain

Our constitutional rights have been broken and trampled in the DEA's zeal to justify their insane immense budget as the "War On (street) Drugs" has been found to be a dismal failure
It has become far easier to get drugs on the street than to get a prescribed opioid form your doctor for a legitimate pain condition

People that live in excruciating pain are being weaned from their meds or have been cut off-"cold turkey" because their doctors are afraid of being investigated by the US Government and they live in constant unending pain without these medication and are unable to function anywhere near normally without them

The DEA continues to perpetuate the myths and misconceptions of taking opioids

People that are in pain Do NOT GET HIGH from their pain medication and true abuse of pain meds is only when they are being taken when there is no pain present-IE no legitimate reason for taking them

This is a very real and serious issue for many people and the list of "horror stories" goes on and on from people that have been humiliated-labeled drug addicts and refused treatment for their pain

Thanks for reading and I hope that this helps anyone suffering from Chronic/Intractable pain



I am the Chosen One
Waldwick, NJ
Great site and very informative. Thanks for pointing it out.

I am a disabled veteran, i've suffered 2 collapsed lungs, 6 fractured ribs, 4 fractured/compressed discs, and a botched surgical pleurodesis. Between the fractures, nerve damage, and excess scar tissue I've been dealing with chronic chest and back pain for about 6 years now.

While I have tried every possible method to avoid opiate related treatments, unfortunately, for the time being, it has been unavoidable.

To be honest, I hate it, one) simply for the fact that I am in a position where i have to depend on opiate type treatment just to be able to function well enough to perform day to day things

2) I hate the look I get when I have to tell someone the list of medications I am on.

The worst is when I have been placed in a situation where I ran out of medications and am trying to get an emergency refill or such. I feel like I get treated like some sort of drug addicted.

People that are in pain Do NOT GET HIGH from their pain medication and true abuse of pain meds is only when they are being taken when there is no pain present-IE no legitimate reason for taking them

This is true. I do not get drowsy or woozy from my medications. I work as a lead for a technology operations center for a major bank and on a daily basis placed in situations where I need to simultaneously listen to 3 or more conference calls while coordinating technology teams to resolve issues.

The dosages I am on would probably put most into a coma, yet I am perfectly capable of doing my job.

Anyways, sorry for the rant, its embarrassing at times and very frustrating, this is something that has always bothered me.


I was just watchin a DOC on showtime last night called American Drug, and they were talking about how the use of medical pot could help so many people who often times get oxicoton and other very addictive pain narcs, but the government would rather us be addicted to a synthetic narc that is very ahrd to get off of, rather than something natural. It was facinating. I suffer from chronic back pain, regardless of the yoga and swimming I do. It may be from a botched spinal tap I had a few years ago, or a slipped disc. I don't use pain meds at all. If I pull it out so bad that I can't move, like so many times in the past, I have to go to the ER. I refuse to get addicted to pain meds, so I just suffer.

Opioids can be a great thing for those is a lot of pain, but I think the side effects and withdraw can be really bad. I don't smoke pot or use any drugs, but If my pain got so bad that Icouldn't do anything, I would smoke.

Check out the DOC on showtime. Its been playing every night.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Thanks for the link, Sandy.
I've had MS for years and sometimes the pain is pretty intense.
I don't even bother taking narcotic pain killers anymore. MS is an auto immune disease that affects the mylein sheath around nerves, hence alot of the pain stems from raw, exposed nerves. Haven't found anything yet that helps with nerve pain.
I've heard of medicinal marijuana being used to treat MS pain. Montel Williams is an advocate for it as its done wonders for him.
No matter how well it would work, I'd loose my job.:main_thumbsdown:

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
WOW. Thanks for posting this, Sandy!

As many of you know, I have been disabled for about 5 years with severe Chronic Neuroimmune Disease, as well as degenerative bone disease in my spine and neck. This causes excruciating body pain, which sometimes even causes neuropathy in both arms and hands... which makes them feel like they are stick in a light socket.

Nerve pain is extremely difficult to treat, and I take 1,500 mg of Neurontin a day. But, the ONLY relief I get when it's too severe to withstand, is Oxycontin and steroids.
People that are in pain Do NOT GET HIGH from their pain medication and true abuse of pain meds is only when they are being taken when there is no pain present-IE no legitimate reason for taking them... People that live in excruciating pain are being weaned from their meds or have been cut off-"cold turkey" because their doctors are afraid of being investigated by the US Government and they live in constant unending pain without these medication and are unable to function anywhere near normally without them.
This is completely TRUE! I do not get 'high' on my medication, and my doctors will only give me enough of these meds to make the pain manageable. If I need more and my prescription has run out, it can take days before all the bureaucratic paperwork crap can get processed for me to get my meds.

Fortunately, I live in California where prescription cannabis is legal. I am not a druggie pothead... it helps me be able to relax and sleep for more than two hours at a time at night without waking up in pain. It's ironic that I can get medicinal marijuana (an otherwise illegal drug) anytime, but I can't always get my legal prescription meds!

It's impossible to explain what living with chronic pain feels like to someone who doesn't experience it. The only thing I know to compare it to would be like having an unbearable toothache, and having the dentist tell you that there is nothing they can do for it and you'll have to live with it the rest of your life.

The depression chronic pain can cause is a another story! There have been times I have felt that if this is the way I have to live, I'd rather be dead. It's a shame that I could get a gun easier than I can get my pain medicine...


I am the Chosen One
Waldwick, NJ
Yeah .. for the longest time I refused to go on a narcotic based treatment and pretty much tried everything else. My pain has been and still is on a pain level a constant 6-7 with the sporadic sharp pain (10) throughout the day.

Oddly enough, it was my family that urged me to accept narcotics as a treatment because I pretty much was not capable of doing anything except lie in bed. I apparently was very ill looking too (according to them)...

The ironic thing is I can remember about 15-16 years ago getting quite the opposite lechture from the same people (from my experimental days in high school)

As far as pain management goes, it has in fact made a huge difference in my life (post injury) in that I have been able to actually have a normal life again (or close to it).

But not a day goes by that I regret being on it. If there was another method that could work I would switch in a heartbeat (believe me ive tried, been through over 10 pain management specialists, 4 pulmonologists, 2 cardiologists just to find other opinions and methods).

Although I may not get the woozy or high feeling that most would probably get I do know that my body has built a physical dependency on it and it really does SUCK if I miss a dose or in a position where i cant access my medications (ie left them at home). I hate it...

I am fortunate that I have been happy otherwise in life the past few years with getting engaged, my father doing well healthwise (lung transplant patient), awesome pets (reptiles + 2 kooky cats), and great friends. Which has helped me a lot in keeping things on teh positive side.

- -


You all are VERY Welcome
I don't know why it took me so long to think of doing this-DUH!!

I hope that many people can benefit from this wonderful website

I also hope that you will want to join and help work toward their goal of educating the public and thwarting the US government with their legislation to keep us from having our pain brought under a manageable control and put a stop to the stigma of Chronic Pain patients

This is also a great place to RANT and RAVE with everyone being in the same boat-so to speak

I feel for each and everyone of you that has responded to this post as I know what it is like to live with unending pain and the frustration and agony that goes with it

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You are much braver than I am

I cannot function without pain medication and I would not call myself addicted

I am dependent on a pill that helps lessen the pain that I wake up with each morning and go to sleep with each night-yes-but addicted -NO!!

This is the view that the DEA wants people to have so that they DO NOT seek out chemical relief in the form of Opioids for their pain
I have had far more "side effects" from the NSAID drugs that I have been given to try to alleviate my pain than from the 7/750 tablets of Vicodin that I take 4 times per day

The only thing that I hate about taking it is the amount of Tylenol that is in it but I do not want to bug my doctor about giving me Oxycotin or anything else that will work without the Tylenol in it

I am much more focused and "with it" when I take the pain meds and I am not constantly side tracked and distracted from the pain

I write this with only the sincerest respect for you and anyone that can do without any pills

Believe me-I have taken myself off them for the period of one year after taking them for a number of years and the withdrawal from Vicodin was not a severe as they make it out to be

The pain that has been blocked that comes flooding back however is a BIG issue to deal with

I tried every other medication and no medication until I was doing absolutely nothing but staying in bed or screaming in pain whenever i tried to do anything

I may be dependent upon this drug but at least I have some quality of life with taking them

I pray that when the time comes (and I hate to say this-but it sounds like it will) that you will seek out medical/chemical help with your pain and that the situation will have greatly improved with prescribing and the general attitude toward those of us that suffer with excruciating pain on a daily basis

Good Luck to you


PS-prescription cannabis sounds like it would benefit me too
I have a hell of a time getting to sleep and staying asleep even when Ii take a zanax before bed-which I do not do every night
However-I bet that it is NOT legal in IL. where I live


Thanks for the post Sandy. I'll be checking it out. :) And thank each of you for sharing...


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Golden Gate Geckos said:
It's impossible to explain what living with chronic pain feels like to someone who doesn't experience it. The only thing I know to compare it to would be like having an unbearable toothache, and having the dentist tell you that there is nothing they can do for it and you'll have to live with it the rest of your life.

The depression chronic pain can cause is a another story! There have been times I have felt that if this is the way I have to live, I'd rather be dead. It's a shame that I could get a gun easier than I can get my pain medicine...

Very well put, Marcia. Thats it, exactly. A giant, horrible toothache that is all over your body.
I feel very blessed that I've been in remission for about 8 months now. Still have pain, but atleast I haven't had the episodes with tremors, paralysis and vision loss in a while.:main_thumbsup:
For a while, the only thing that kept me going was the fear that my kids would be the ones to find me if I ended it, but when the pain is that intense, its very hard to think rationally, ya know?


Golden Gate Geckos said:
WOW. Thanks for posting this, Sandy!

As many of you know, I have been disabled for about 5 years with severe Chronic Neuroimmune Disease, as well as degenerative bone disease in my spine and neck. This causes excruciating body pain, which sometimes even causes neuropathy in both arms and hands... which makes them feel like they are stick in a light socket.

Nerve pain is extremely difficult to treat, and I take 1,500 mg of Neurontin a day. But, the ONLY relief I get when it's too severe to withstand, is Oxycontin and steroids.
This is completely TRUE! I do not get 'high' on my medication, and my doctors will only give me enough of these meds to make the pain manageable. If I need more and my prescription has run out, it can take days before all the bureaucratic paperwork crap can get processed for me to get my meds.

Fortunately, I live in California where prescription cannabis is legal. I am not a druggie pothead... it helps me be able to relax and sleep for more than two hours at a time at night without waking up in pain. It's ironic that I can get medicinal marijuana (an otherwise illegal drug) anytime, but I can't always get my legal prescription meds!

It's impossible to explain what living with chronic pain feels like to someone who doesn't experience it. The only thing I know to compare it to would be like having an unbearable toothache, and having the dentist tell you that there is nothing they can do for it and you'll have to live with it the rest of your life.

The depression chronic pain can cause is a another story! There have been times I have felt that if this is the way I have to live, I'd rather be dead. It's a shame that I could get a gun easier than I can get my pain medicine...

You guys are all in my prayers to have more good days than bad
I know with the weather warming up that I will start to feel better
The winters here kill me.......

I can only imagine the degree of pain that you must be in
My thoughts and prayers are with you dear

I am so glad to hear that you are doing better-I pray that this will stay with you

Brittney-you are very welcome
It is an awesome site with very knowledgeable and caring people

I have cut back on my Vicodin on my good days so that I have a reserve as I know that I am going to be in a position one day to need it
Sad way to have to live-as if the anxiety of dealing with Chronic pain isn't enough in itself

as for me-
Now add having rotten teeth that give you episodes of so much pain that you don't care if you do die to end the pain........
It sucks-big time

I must admit that I am not at all surprised by the response to this thread

As I said-I have noticed for many years that many avid reptile keepers are Chronic Pain sufferers.........

Hang In there Everybody and do what makes you feel good
That is my motto anymore

Is it selfish?
Hell yes-it is -but If I don't do things to make me feel better than who will???

Unfortunately in my case-no one



Lake Effect Leos
Traverse City, MI
Thanks for the link, Sandy.

Not many people know that I am also a chronic pain sufferer, as well. I used to be a dog groomer and have developed RSD/Complex Regional Pain Sydrome in my left arm after an injury from catching a dog that jumped off of my grooming table and tried to hang itself. My life has been a living hell ever since. No amount of narcotics really gives me any relief, just barely takes the edge off. The most relief I get from anything is from my TENS unit. There has been talk/doctor suggestion of putting a neurostimulator in my spine to help with pain control, but we are battling with worker's comp to top everything else off. :main_rolleyes:

My thoughts are with you all as I know the burden of having chronic pain. It changes every facet of your life. It's no picnic. And sometimes it does seem there is no answer and no relief. It's tough.

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Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
As I said-I have noticed for many years that many avid reptile keepers are Chronic Pain sufferers.........
You know, my geckos are what keep me sane. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have them to keep my life full and joyful!


Lake Effect Leos
Traverse City, MI
I hear that, Marcia! My pets are the only thing, I believe, most of the time, keeping me sane. They give me some purpose in life.


LadyGecko said:
As I said-I have noticed for many years that many avid reptile keepers are Chronic Pain sufferers.........

This is rather interesting, indeed... A few people I've met that are 'avid reptile keepers' are in Chronic Pain, myself included.

-for myself- I guess it is time to share-

I've been through a lot in my young life in terms of pain, undiagnosed medical conditions, hospital stays, surgeries, you name it... I've been there.

The largest underlying conditions that I have are Polycystic Ovarian Disease paired with endometriosis. the first condition I've been told by many doctors... is one of the worse cases they have ever seen... leading most to say there isn't much they can do to help. Before I'm even 25, I'll be in for surgery to take everything out. I can't have kids, and I never will be able to...

this hit me hard as a young woman... but it has only made me stronger. We all have things we've been through, we all carry baggage... but it is all about how we carry it.

There are many many other undiagnosed conditions going on here and there that have left me lying in my bed for days upon days in pain... but I'm managing... being hopeful that someday there will be an answer. I've been almost pain free for the last month... so I'm very very thankful for that!

I've enjoyed reading this thread, and I'll be sure to check out that forum.

Thanks again Sandy....


MSMD said:
Thanks for the link, Sandy.

Not many people know that I am also a chronic pain sufferer, as well. I used to be a dog groomer and have developed RSD/Complex Regional Pain Sydrome in my left arm after an injury from catching a dog that jumped off of my grooming table and tried to hang itself. My life has been a living hell ever since. No amount of narcotics really gives me any relief, just barely takes the edge off. The most relief I get from anything is from my TENS unit. There has been talk/doctor suggestion of putting a neurostimulator in my spine to help with pain control, but we are battling with worker's comp to top everything else off. :main_rolleyes:

My thoughts are with you all as I know the burden of having chronic pain. It changes every facet of your life. It's no picnic. And sometimes it does seem there is no answer and no relief. It's tough.


Mari-thanks so very much for sharing with us and I pray that you can find some relief from your pain
I hope that the website that I linked to can help with any questions and give you a place to yell and scream-when it all just gets to be TOO MUCH

I know that the Vicodin that I take just barely takes care of my pain to allow me to do what I need to on a daily basis but I am scared to death to ask my doc for anything stronger
It took me a long time to get her to up the vicodin from 5/550 to 7/750

You speak of a TENS unit.
A dear sweet fellow reptile keeper that has passed on sent me one a few years ago and I unfortunately have never used it
I actually forgot all about it until now and I am sooooo embarrassed that I never tried it
Perhaps it is something that I should look into
I miss you Nina.....

Marcia-I think that the beauty of these gentle creatures calms and soothes anyone that keeps them that has pain problems

Also-it sure helps that they are Nocturnals and that we can care for them in the middle of the night when we can't sleep

I took a very long deep nap this afternoon so I am up for the night

<big hugs to everyone>



brittlee said:
This is rather interesting, indeed... A few people I've met that are 'avid reptile keepers' are in Chronic Pain, myself included.

-for myself- I guess it is time to share-

I've been through a lot in my young life in terms of pain, undiagnosed medical conditions, hospital stays, surgeries, you name it... I've been there.

The largest underlying conditions that I have are Polycystic Ovarian Disease paired with endometriosis. the first condition I've been told by many doctors... is one of the worse cases they have ever seen... leading most to say there isn't much they can do to help. Before I'm even 25, I'll be in for surgery to take everything out. I can't have kids, and I never will be able to...

this hit me hard as a young woman... but it has only made me stronger. We all have things we've been through, we all carry baggage... but it is all about how we carry it.

There are many many other undiagnosed conditions going on here and there that have left me lying in my bed for days upon days in pain... but I'm managing... being hopeful that someday there will be an answer. I've been almost pain free for the last month... so I'm very very thankful for that!

I've enjoyed reading this thread, and I'll be sure to check out that forum.

Thanks again Sandy....

Brittney-you are so very welcome and thanks so very much for sharing with us
It is SO important that we do not feel alone when we are down in the dumps or overcome by pain
My heart goes out to you and i can relate very well to you

I found out at 19 that i would most likely never be able to have children and I was never able to-hence my extended family of my "animal children" and they are my life
I have also known many other very young women that suffer with endometriosis and the other painful conditions that often go along with it
and they are unable to bear children

It is a very hard thing to get past
For years I was unable to deal with Mothers Day at all
I have finally come to grips with everything-since maybe the age of 50 and I am at peace for the most part with what has not been for me

You are so very right about it making you stronger when it hits at a young age and how you carry it is what it is all about but a good support group sure can make a world of difference when you feel as if there is NO ONE that truly understands what you are going through

I pray that you will find relief from your pain and come to grips with your situation
It took me a very long time but then i was never in a position to adopt

I have another reptile keeper friend that has never been able to carry a baby to term-she has had so many miscarriages that finally she gave up
The happy ending to her story is that she met a man with 2 beautiful children and they adopted a third child together and she is now having a wonderful life with living her dream of finally having children

Don't give up your dream of having kids-it can happen for you

<Big Hugs GF>



I found this very informative article on the Chronic Pain Forum

It is a very interesting read on the myths and misconceptions of addiction among Chronic Pain patients that are taking Opioids for pain relief

It may be surprising as to how much BS that we have been handed by people that are determined not to allow Chronic Pain to be properly treated and to allow those of us afflicted with it to try and lead normal lives
Anyone that is afraid of taking a drug that might make their life more tolerable because of danger of addiction or aberrant behavior stemming from taking these drugs might want to read this

I am not advocating any sort of drug abuse here-these drugs are to be used only for legitimate pain relief and obtained legally with a prescription from a doctor-just thought that I would clarify my position



Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Brittlee said:
Before I'm even 25, I'll be in for surgery to take everything out. I can't have kids, and I never , and 4 miscarriageswill be able to...
After an ectopic pregnancy, losing twins shortly after birth, and 4 miscarriages, I had a hysterectomy at age 29 due to cervical cancer. I never had any biological children. Most people think that Danny (27) and Julie (33) are my own kids, but they are actually my husband's children. Glenn was a single Dad when I met him, and I raised his children. I couldn't love them any more than if I gave birth to them!

I was the one that stayed up nights when they were sick and gave them medicine, helped them with their homework, hugged them when they cried, listened to their problems and successes, went to their ball games, barrel races, and team penning competitions. I was the one that went to their school parent-teacher conferences, scout meetings, and taught them about the facts of life. I am the grandmother of 2 now!

This is what it is to be a mother. I didn't give birth to them, hear their first words, or see their first steps... but I was there to love them and teach them right from wrong. No one can tell me they aren't my own children...

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