clay excavating sand???????



So dr. evil has been trying to dig for about the last week now. so i had a friend of mine i met through a local pet store who happens to be a exotic herp specialist come and check him out for me. she gave him a clean bill of health and 100% determined that he is male. (she thought otherwise due to him digging). well anyway she told me a good idea would be to cahnge his substrate from paper towels to clay excavating sand. she said it is safe and digestible. im getting it through my local pet store for almost half the price it is on lllreptile but im using them as the example since i cant seem to find it anywere else on the net. here is the link

anyone ever used this?


i have a bearded dragon so i never had any plans of using a undertank heater but thank you for that info.


I'm Watching You
Brooklyn, New York
Dont use it. I'm the one who first tested it ont his forum. The stuff is IMPOSSIBLE. Your reptiles cant mold it, only you can, and half the time they hate the stuff anyway, and it gets everywhere, stains their skin, and is hard ot clean.

The Sunset Gang

I agree with GoGo. I have a beardie myself and i just use regular Calci Sand. The excavating stuff will get hard. Just read the back of the bag. At the petstore i went to, they had floor samples and the stuff would be impossible. Best of Luck!

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