Cleaning Time



Just want to find out if my care is what should be going on. I clean out the rack every day and change the paper towel. I can't imagine leaving the papertowel in longer...they can really leave a smelly one. This also gives me a chance to handle them each day and they all now seem to like it.

Does everyone else clean that frequently or what?


I only have 5 and I kinda stack my paper towels so when they poo on one and it kinda seeps through I can take out 2 or 3 pieces. I spray with chlorhexadine and take out all the paper towels once every week. Normally I do not have to take many paper towels out during the week because most of them have decided that they will use one of the hides as a poo place. and the particular hide they poo in happens to be a deli cup that i left the lid on so i just take it out and clean it good every night and then put it back in and they poo in it all over again


New Member
A lot of mine have parasites right now so I clean and replace the tubs daily and clean out any cages that I have (today is actually full on cage clean day :S). For non-sick ones I just replace the paper towel. If they poo and it touches the tub I replace the tub. Same if it seeps through. Otherwise I just replace the towel.


Happy Gecko Family
I only clean mine once a month...but I had them in glass tanks with ceramic tile flooring, will probably kill me if I had to wash their tank and tile everyday! lol. However, I do spot clean very frequently; I put a few layers of toilet paper in their poo corner, and replace that as soon as they're used; so usually, their poo won't stay in their tank for more than 1/2 an hour (unless they poo after I go to bed).
Ohio/West Virginia

Arconna said:
A lot of mine have parasites right now so I clean and replace the tubs daily and clean out any cages that I have (today is actually full on cage clean day :S). For non-sick ones I just replace the paper towel. If they poo and it touches the tub I replace the tub. Same if it seeps through. Otherwise I just replace the towel.

I am sure that you have told us before and I didn't pay attention but if you dont mind me asking,how did you leos get parastites?


New Member
leopardgecko95 said:
I am sure that you have told us before and I didn't pay attention but if you dont mind me asking,how did you leos get parastites?

It is very easy for your whole collection to get parasites if you are not carful when introducing new leos into your collection. you must always quarantine and wash hands before handling other animals, after cleaning cages, feeding, watering etc.


New Member
I can't be 100% sure where the parasites came from, but my two guesses were from either one of the 4 I got from a private party in a classifieds section, or from my Beardie who has been acting rather weird with his stool. I am leaning more towards the former though.

But yeah, it is REALLY easy to get parasites throughout a whole collection. I'm amazed at how easily it spreads. I had a guy that was completely healthy, and now his stool is showing up strange so I think he may have contracted it somehow, and this was during my cleaning binge. I had to adjust some things.


New Member
gothra said:
I only clean mine once a month...but I had them in glass tanks with ceramic tile flooring, will probably kill me if I had to wash their tank and tile everyday! lol. However, I do spot clean very frequently).
Someone suggested that I add a thin layer of sand below my tiles to warm them more, so far it does'nt appear to have made a difference. But wow, when I lifted those tiles it was rank under there! And somehow small roaches had gotten under there and pooped all over.I am sure glad I did this, and from now on there is going to be more thorough cleaning going on! I am lucky that my leo poops in a vase, so I just shake or knock them out, and wash with warm soapy water. What is chlorhexadine ?

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