Close call!


I need sleep.
Alexandria, VA

I just got back to work after rushing home upon hearing my iguana Evo had escaped her cage! I got a frantic message from my fiance saying that the iguana was out (we have four cats) and in the tree (norfolk island pine) and that everyone was okay, but that I needed to come home because he wasn't planning on approaching the freaked out iggy.

She's currently in a china cabinet that we converted to a iggy-house, but I guess she's heavy enough now that she can push the big glass door open. I just found a sweet deal two days ago on craigslist for a much bigger, stronger enclosure - pretty lucky timing as far as I'm concerned, and we're going to pick it up this weekend. For now, there's duct tape all over the door to prevent any more breakouts. this time, I got lucky.

Is it Friday yet? :main_rolleyes:

Here's pics of her enclosure, and some outside pics I took a few weeks ago


I need sleep.
Alexandria, VA
Oh and p.s.

I've just been calling her a 'she' because I've had her for about a year and a half and I don't see any glaringly obvious male parts (femoral pores or "brain bumps") so I'm just kinda assuming female. Could anyone confirm or deny my suspicion?

here's a pic of the underside....
Oakland, CA
Yeah.. Thats a Female Iguana. A Male would have had pores and bulges going on by now. I actually REALLY like the cage. It looks awesome. Yey Duct Tape!


I need sleep.
Alexandria, VA
Thanks guys and gals!

I actually really like the cage too - I'm sad she's growing out of it. Does that mean a baby red iguana in my future? possibly......

Jeanine, I'm really glad she didn't get hurt too. It's such an awful feeling coming home to see an empty cage with the door wide open. And it's very different than looking for missing geckos (which I actually haven't had to do yet -fingers crossed) but I was looking for body parts! Either the cats or the iguana's! LOL I was just sure that she would've dropped her tail in all the chaos, but luckily it's still there and my cats and my living room are still intact too.

Marc, Evo is actually pretty personable, for being an iguana. I've spent a lot of time with her and she gets out for a soak and some sunshine two or three times a week. I still have gouges and scratches on my forearms, but from what I hear those are the proud badges of any iguana owner. When I got home yesterday instead of being totally freaked out like I had thought she would be, she was totally calm and hung out with us for a while to warm up on my lap. The tree she was in was right over the A/C vent, so I know she was happy to get back to her warm cage.

Thanks, David, for confirming my suspicions - I was pretty sure that she was a she, but I wanted to hear someone else say it too!


I'm glad that you found Evo safe and sound
My Iggy Spike used to free roam quite a bit and he got along just fine with the cats

The cats would give him a wide berth when he was prowling around and the dogs just looked at him like they just couldn't figure out just what he was

Spike has the typical adult male orange color on his legs-another way to tell male from female at a glance

Spike and friends



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