Co-habitating giants/non-giants


West Virginia
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but here's my question. I know giants can safely breed with regular-sized leos, but is there any risk in permanently housing giants and non-giants together if they're given enough space? I'm looking into getting a giant male and a regular female but wanted to make sure they could safely co-exist first. If I remember correctly, the enclosure I'll be using is about 30 inches long and 14 inches wide.


New Member
Rhacodactyl said:
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but here's my question. I know giants can safely breed with regular-sized leos, but is there any risk in permanently housing giants and non-giants together if they're given enough space? I'm looking into getting a giant male and a regular female but wanted to make sure they could safely co-exist first. If I remember correctly, the enclosure I'll be using is about 30 inches long and 14 inches wide.

As a genral rule in leo's males are bigger than females any way so i'd not recommend a Giant strain male with regular females the size gap is way to big or giant strain females with regular females you may never have problems but if there ever is the regular will bare the brunt of it i think So to much risk i feel.but i do think it's very possible to house regular male with giant strain females with no reel problems so it maybe possible in one way only.


I would only house female giants and male normals or giant females and normal females

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