Concerned about my stubborn gecko/my new gecko.


New Member
United States
So one of my leo's, Chomper, all of a sudden decided she wants nothing to do with crickets. At all. But if I put a bowl of mealworms in front of her she goes right for it! I've tried everything....feeding her in a separate tank, holding the moving cricket with a pair of tweezers, going 2 nights without crickets or mealworms and she still refuses them! Help?!!?

Also, my new baby blizzard leo, Ducky, doesn't really eat too much. First night I got her she had about 3 crickets, nothing yesterday or today so I gave her a wax worm. She's really young and her tail isn't skinny but isn't fat either...any advice? Also, could anyone judge how old she is and if she looks healthy?

P.S. Ducky is the one in the container.
Thanks in advance. WP_20140621_006.jpg WP_20140612_001.jpg


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
I think your first gecko is just being lazy, especially if it's eating mealworms just fine. If you want to enforce variety, you'll just have to keep trying crickets until she gets hungry enough to eat them.

As for Ducky, I would guess she is stressed from the move and that giving her some quiet time to adjust will improve her appetite.

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