confused about tub size for racks


Gecko Obsessed
Little Rock, AR
I'm looking into buying my first rack. I was looking at the Nature's Spirit racks, and originally was planning on getting the 10-hole shoebox rack. But I just wanted to make sure - are the "shoebox" style racks designed for hatchlings/juvies, or are they big enough for single adults? Are "shoeboxes" 16 quart tubs, or are they smaller? If not, which are the ones that are 16 quarts (and big enough for single adults)? Are those boot boxes, or shirt boxes? Sorry, so many different names that don't seem to have universal dimensions/quart measurements.

If I don't get the NS rack, I was looking at a couple other brands. For the Animal Plastics Iris racks, which ones would be for single adult geckos? The 375 Series, or the larger sizes? It looks like most of the rack manufacturers are talking about snakes, not geckos, so I wasn't sure if what they call "juvie" racks would be big enough for adult geckos. These don't come with tubs so for the 375 series it says to go to the container store and either get the men's shoe box or the boot box - which is big enough for adults? The CB-70 series says to use tubs that are 9.25 gallons, so that's more that twice the size of 16 quarts...

Last but not least, I was also looking at the Reptile Basic racks. For adults, would I want to go with the Iris Shoebox rack (listed on the "For Baby/Juvie Snakes" page) or the Iris MCB-S Rack Wide Version? The MCB-S says it holds eight 12.2 quart tubs, so I guess that would be close enough to 16 quarts?

Sorry I'm really clueless and maybe I didn't use the right terms but the search function didn't quite hit the nail on the head for my question. :eek:


New Member
I don't have experience with all those racks so I can't tell which to get But I can help with the tubs. The 16 qt are adequit for a single adult leo but I would not do the 12qt IMO thats to small. I'm not sure of the name for them I think I heard them called a sweater box but I'm not positive. I think the 6qt are refered to as shoe box tubs, which work great for hatchlings. hope this helps.


Gecko Obsessed
Little Rock, AR
Ok, so "shoebox" is 6 quarts then? Got it. Alright, glad I didn't jump into buying the shoebox rack just yet because I'd like to get one big enough for some breeder adults first.

Ok, I found a page that lets me convert measurements into gallons, and then another to convert gallons to quarts, so I think I figured out that the "men's shoe box" (14-3/4" x 10-1/8" x 5-5/8" h) would be about 15 quarts, while the "boot box" (22-1/2" x 14-3/4" x 5-3/8" h) would be much bigger. So the AP Iris 375 series should be a fine size for adults.

After a more thorough reading of the description, I see that the Reptile Basic shoebox rack uses tubs that are 5.4 quarts, so that would be for hatchlings. So the only option would be the Iris MCB-S with the 12.2 quart tubs.

NS also says that it will be using 12 quart tubs from Iris instead now...

But 12 quarts is too small? So... what to do?

Looks like I'll probably go with the AP Iris 375 with the men's shoe boxes. Anyone else want to double-check my math or confirm that this set up would be an ok size for adults?

I was also looking at the AP Economy racks, but the links to buy the tubs for those racks are broken links (I read at NS that those tubs have been discontinued). I've emailed AP to see if they have any recommendations for substitute tubs that would still fit their Economy racks... hopefully they'll get back to me soon.

Ugh, I think I've given myself a headache with all this. :eek:

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