


Ok I have read all the websites and the genetics stuff makes my brain want to explode.

I have a normal female, and I plan to breed her. I'm not looking to create some new morph or anything crazy, but I would like to know if someone could explain what kind of colors will come from a normal and hypo tangerine. I plan to buy one.

Also on any other morphs breed to normals, I just can't get the genetics stuff, I always failed science.


New Member
Ok, let me try to explain a little. Not promising anything but I'll try.

Hypo,Tangerine,and Carrot tail are line bred traits. They are produced by selective breeding. If a breeder wants a gecko with a lot of carrot tail. They will pick a male and a female with the most carrot tail. This pairing will give you geckos with varying degrees of carrot tail. Some may not have any but others may have more carrot tail them the parents. you would then take your best carrot tail and breed it to another carrot tail. you would just keep going generation to generation until you get the desired amout of carrot tail. hypo works the same way. You would breed for less spots. tangerine you would breed for more orange.

So the answer to your question would be.
You would get anything between a normal and a hypo tangerine maybe even a super hypo tangerine if your lucky.

I hope this helps you understand it a little better.


Alright well I will take my chances with the Hypo tang, what if I bought a super hypo would that up the chances, or with the normals is it luck of the draw?

Thank you that was very very helpful!!

As some of my friends say to me "Mandi let me explain it in "DumbA$$" terms for you, lol.

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