Constipated Carl


New Member
Since Carl's hemipenes issue seems to be resolved, I thought I'd create a new thread to tackle his latest problem. I call the vet and advised him that Carl hasn't "let loose" since Saturday. He ate 3 butterowrms on Monday (he had 3 last was quite large). He did eliminate some urates last night, but still no feces. The vet said that Carl probably emptied out on Saturday and since he wasn't eating all that much, I shouldn't be concerned at this point. What's odd is Marnie, my female kept in a separate enclosure, has been having the same issue. Could this be a seasonal thing and/or does diet affect the rate of digestion? Mar won't touch crix anymore and wants worms, worms, worms. Carl had 3 crix last Thursday. I've been soaking Carl 1-2X a day and administering a drop of mineral oil once a day. Any thoughts????



New Member
Nope. No changes to anything...just the soaking and mineral oil every day. Humidity hut is humid! When I lift the Cool Whip lid, it drips water. Temp on the hot end is 89-91. I had the same set up with my beautiful girl who crossed the Rainbow Bridge last August for 10 years and never had an issue. Mr. Carl is just difficult. I feed him crix and butterworms. He hasn't gone for the waxies and with the "binding issue" I'm reluctant to offer mealies. I was attributing his reluctance to go to it being painful because of his prolapsed hemipenes. This occurred after a shed. The vet thought that some of the skin was adhering to his hemipenes and preventing him from retracting them. We got one snipped off, but the doc couldn't get the other one which was the nasty one. Carl's been having the "passing" issue since then. At least he's not a Carla and still a Carl!:eek: For now, at least!


Staff member
3 Year Member
There's another more recent thread about this subject - but has Carl 'gone' yet?


New Member
No. The vet gave him another enema yesterday and said he didn't feel anything in his lower gut. There was something higher up, but no large, hard masses like before. I guess Carl needs fiber.:D Too bad gex don't eat fruits and vegetables!

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