Cool new geckos!


New Member
San Diego
I haven't posted for some time but had to show some new additions to my gecko quarters. I have picked up a 2.2 group of Homonata Horridus (Paraguayan Ground Geckos). I think these guys are really cool. They chow down like they're in an eating contest, munching crickets with gusto! Nocturnal geckos, they are very active in the evening at feeding time and are very alert. The pictures aren't great but they are very active. I will keep trying to get some better ones.

I have found some care instructions, but have not found a large data base. I would appreciate any good info resources for them. They are doing very well, but want to make sure they continue to thrive. I saw one or two posts on another site from several years ago about a shedding problem, but nothing relatively new.

Please let me know what you think of them!

Thanks - Greg


New Member
San Diego
I agree that they have some similarity to viper gecko markings. These guys are larger though. The largest gecko in the photos is about 4 inches. Well thank for taking a look and letting me know your thoughts. I feel lucky to have them. I found an egg the bottom of the enclosure last night (not in the moist hide, unfortunatley). I put it into a container and I hope to see a new face in c. 80 days.

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