Cordylus tropidosternum?



Hey guys, just looking for some info. First off, this would be my first herp, so I was wondering if they are at least somewhat easy? I can handle something a little difficult, but I'm not looking to take care of something with extremely specific needs for my first herp. Also, how many could I fit in a 55g?
Now, for some more general questions. What would I use as a substrate? I was thinking some sort of sand, it would be great if anybody could give me some recommendations. As for decor, would some rocks and wood work? And would I need anything specific under the basking lamp, would just putting some rocks under it work? Any specific rocks to avoid, and how far should the basking spot be from the lamp? Also, what sort of lighting would I need? As for feeding, I was planning on feeding either crickets or dubia, which would be a better choice? And is there any other foods that would be better, maybe any prepared foods? Also, how often should I feed and how many crickets/dubia each time, depending on how many lizards I get? Would I just drop the insects in and let the lizards catch them?
I think that's all I need to know for now, any other suggestions would be nice. Sorry for all the questions, I just want to make sure I can give the best care possible. Thanks!


Forgot to mention, the dimensions are 48" L x 12" W x 21" H.


Jungleland (Brooklyn)
Apparently they are very skittish, and may bite. Hard. They need a basking lamp and a UV/UVB bar. Feed them mealworms from a dish, crickets, and the occasional veggies, like lettuce. Gutload the insects and dust everything with ReptoCal.

Just a note, the care sheet I'm reading says that they should be treated like Anoles or Day Geckos, and just left as a display animal, as they don't tame very well, and they will either bite or jump. Most Lizards that jump hit the ground running and don't come back.

Substrate, use Coco Husk, Coco Fiber, Eco-Earth or paper towel. Decor is usually, for most Lizards, except dew drinkers like Anoles, moot, save for a hide box on the cool side and one on the warm side. Basking zone should be in the hottest part of the enclosure.
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