
New Member
South Florida
this is really a issue or question i just wanted to share what i heard. i was on an other forum and raed a story about some guy who has 3 adult leos and was going away for 3 weeks and no one would take care of them so he locked them in his bathroom and left a window open for air he put a bunch of hides in there and left a heat mat under a towel in one of the corners of the bathroom. he also left a big dish of water and a bunch of mealworms in a large dish and when he got back he said the geckos were fine and that alot of the mealworms were gone too. i dont know if this is true or not but it interested me and just wanted to hear some opinions about it. Thanks


New Member
The only thing that comes to mind as to why he would even think of doing that is because of the bowel movements. Since it was 3 weeks with no gecko sitter and the geckos most probably being in a common sized tank, he probably didn't want the geckos to be exposed to that much feces in such close quarters?. Other then that, exactly what justin said. I would never take that chance, I don't know how he even did it, I left for 3 days with my parents home and kept thinking if my geckos are okay lol, glad to hear the geckos did alright atleast. He probably had a field day cleaning up.
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