Creating Successful Cricket Colonies


New Member
Southern USA
Hey there,

I will post pictures when I can, but I am trying to start my own cricket colonies. My geckos haven't been eating them as much as Jethro (bearded dragon), and my chickens have. I figured that if I tried to start my own colonies, I'd have less money I would need to spend. What would be tips on how to create a good colony that survives and is healthy for all pets? I have about 500 crickets in an size 18 tub with a screen mesh on top that my dad helped me build. They have multiple hides so they don't stress, a couple of starting gardener planters that has potting soil in it for the eggs. I also have a paper towel down that I wrung with water for their moisture, and premade gutload food. I also have a 10 gallon tank for the babies. How will I be able to tell if there will be any baby crickets that have been laid? I have had this new set up for a few days now. Only problem I see is the heating. They are in the sunroom, but due to re-construction, there is no carpeting or wood, just concrete. It gets cooler in that room at night because of that and I can't run the heater on all night without someone being there 'cause I'm afraid of it catching on fire. Are there any other tips on how to keep them warm without spending a fortune?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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