I got me a blonde tiger dalmation the other day - its so sweet - its very tame - until today i hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary because id never owned a crested before - but today i picked up a real nice harley- its about a month younger than my blonde tiger - anyways - the blonde tiger can hardly run - when it walks its real slow and it stays close to the ground - doesn't seem to jump around alot - i feed it CDG, crickets, and i also mist its cage nightly - its up to weight for its age and looks very healthy - is my blonde tiger just more tame? it climbs around but not alot - and when it does its real slow - the harley runs around and jumps from branch to branch - walks straight up the glass etc. - and i haven't seen the blonde tiger climb the glass at all - when i hold it i can tell its def. sticky - just not as sticky - it also has all of its toes and seems to have shed regularly- am i just being to cautious? someone please let me know something ASAP - i'm worried -