Crested gecko help


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Ok, I saw this posting on craigslist for someone with cresteds and am looking for input from the experts.

First question, Males are not supposed to be housed together just like leopard geckos.. correct?
-These people are selling 2 males and a female that are almost a year old and all living happily in a 20H

Second question, Looking at this picture isnt the gecko in front not have a tail?
-People claim it is a bad pic and all the geckos have their tails...

These are the morphs
1 male chocolate harlequin
1 male flame
1 female flame harlequin

Asking 60.00 per gecko or 150.00 for everything(includes their cage, decor, and food)---I swear when I looked at this ad yesterday they were asking $50 per gecko and $125 for everything so uped the price.....

Thank you!


Gecko Newbie
Correct 1 male per cage.And they all have tails if you look at the picture the one in front the tail is under the one to the right.
To me that is not a bad deal but I would get 2 additional cages so you can separate them.


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Ooooo I see the tail now.. haha wow yeah that was hard to see.

Yeah I could split them up, have extra 10 gallons that could be used as temporary homes?
I actually thought a 20H is a bit cramped for 3 adult cresteds so was going to use the 45 gallon that I have, or could convert my 29 which is being used as a fish tank right now into a cage as well...
I dont know it was a thought and I honestly dont have the money right now but maybe if I get a job I could get them.

O! I should mention that these guys supposedly originally come from a good breeder, pangea geckos.

Thank you for the input.


Gecko Newbie
Ooooo I see the tail now.. haha wow yeah that was hard to see.

Yeah I could split them up, have extra 10 gallons that could be used as temporary homes?
I actually thought a 20H is a bit cramped for 3 adult cresteds so was going to use the 45 gallon that I have, or could convert my 29 which is being used as a fish tank right now into a cage as well...
I dont know it was a thought and I honestly dont have the money right now but maybe if I get a job I could get them.

O! I should mention that these guys supposedly originally come from a good breeder, pangea geckos.

Thank you for the input.

Well 10 gallon would serve well as a temp. home for an adult for awhile.29 gallon would work for a 1.2 group.Pangea do have excellent geckos so if they did come pangea that is good pricing.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
I honestly would keep them all seperated. For one alot of people have trouble cooling females when housed with a male all year round, and without proper cooling she can not only decline in weight, but also in calcium. I honestly would take the 10 high and put a tank divider in there so each male has his own side, then put the female in the 10 gallon. Even better would be to take your 29, divide that into 2 seperate tanks and give the female the 20 high. In all honesty they can live in 10 gallon tanks perfectly fine, many breeders house single males in like sized enclosures that are 10-12gallons, personally I prefer 15 gallons or larger, just gives them that extra little space.

Pangea is a great breeder, but the problem is what happens after the breeder is a different story. However the pricing is a bit high on the males. Right now you can even find male pinstripes in the $50-$75 range, so $60 for a male plain jane flame (which it looks liek one is a flame, the other two look like possibly tigers, hard to tell the pic is blurry), but a male flame would easily sell for $40-50 depending on his contrast, and a male gold or yellolw tiger normally would sell for about the same price. I honestly think you could talk him down on the males. For a female $60 is a good price.

Myself I would talk him down ont he males, do your research and realize you can actually find males really cheap. I have before from Matt gotten an almost adult blonde for $45, and a mocha and cream male (Loki on my site) for $40. He also had many other males ranging from $35-$50, and even nocer ones for $60-$75. So if anything if he wont go down lower on the price, just offer to buy the female and if you are interested in breeding, look into buying a high quality male which will run you more towards $100-$200 range depending on who they are from, and their crest length and head structure.

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