So this evening while my fiance was taking our geckos out to be held he had noticed her a bit more on edge than usual and her toes are twitching. I looked around on the web and found a few sites thinking it to early signs of MBD and I was wondering if anyone else has had any experience with this happening, and how did you treat it? She is still walking around fine, pooing normally, drinking, and sleeping the times she usually does, but the twitching in her toes concerns me quite a bit. Any input anyone might have is much appreciated. I'm very worried about her and I really don't want anything to happen to her.
As a note she is fed Superfoods.Repashy supplement every other day, along with her tank buddy who is doing fine. They are also fed gut loaded crickets on the days opposite of their supplement foods. Would taking her out into the sun for a little while tomorrow help her out?
As a note she is fed Superfoods.Repashy supplement every other day, along with her tank buddy who is doing fine. They are also fed gut loaded crickets on the days opposite of their supplement foods. Would taking her out into the sun for a little while tomorrow help her out?