Cricket-phobic Gecko Sitter


New Member
Northeast USA
So I'm leaving for upstate New York tomorrow for three days and my dad agreed to gecko sit. He likes the gecko, he likes to watch the gecko eat, but he does not like the crickets. So we came up with the idea of a cup and "wall" to collect crickets so he wouldn't even have to touch them.

Well when testing this technique out a cricket jumped on his wrist. Said cricket was then FLUNG across my (messy) room amidst much cursing and panic :p. Thankfully it was found, caught, and fed to the gecko (along with 11 others), so no harm no foul.

A word of warning, know your gecko sitter. Hopefully the crickets get fed. My little leo's going to have to deal with three days of hunger, good thing I've been working on fattening him up ;).


New Member
i am leaving for fore days and that is why i feed mealworms just throw like 40 in the bowl and my boss look in one them sice he has had reptiles for 20 years so i'm good


New Member
North Carolina
Just a thought

I was thinking maybe you could separate the crickets for each day into separate containers. Then when it is feeding time your sitter could just drop them in a little bit at a time. That way he doesn't have to touch them and the gecko isn't hungry.


New Member
Northeast USA
I wish mine would eat mealworms but he just refuses, been there done that when the stores ran out of crickets for four days :( stubborn little guy. Separating the crickets could work but any small container I have is also short enough for a cricket to jump out; my father will not touch a cricket at all so if any escape they're easily lost. I've been lucky so far catching all the escapees. Also, sometimes my gecko is just plain not hungry so getting the crickets back into their container is an issue because if one so much as touches my father it goes *FLING! The Incredible Flying Cricket!*.

Thanks for the replies, wish I could have given more thought to the container idea but I'm leaving in 9 minutes.

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