Critter Tote


New Member
Auburn, AL
I am going on spring break and want to bring my leo. i was thinking of setting up one of those big critter totes for him. Since room in the car is at a premium. He still is a juvenile.I was wondering if anyone used a uth with these before? it says put them on the side of the tank. could it on the bottom? Anyone ever use a critter tote? Any advice appreciated. Thanks!


New Member
Auburn, AL
I thought about that but he usually travels well. never shows signs of stress when i take him home usually eats right away and comes out his hide and everything. and he doesn't like to eat out his bowl. they have to be dropped in front of him, or crickets cause they move. thats my biggest concern.I never see him use his bowl either.Only lick water from the roof of his humid hide or sides of the tank. and maybe a part of me just wants me with him with me, hes my baby :) and a diva, picky about everything. i just dont want to leave him without food :/


Shillelagh Law
not an option. Thanks for the suggestion though

Not really a suggestion. More of a condemnation.

You are traveling for spring break. You own a pet and you're going to subject it to stressful, dangerous conditions because you selfishly want it around while you are selfishly having a vacation. You're not acting in the best interests of the animal, you're acting in the interests of your own convenience and whim.

IF you are prioritizing the well being of your pet then your options are; don't travel for spring break, instead remaining with your pet or you travel but you leave the gecko in its secure and controlled enclosure taking the necessary steps to ensure it has adequate care in your absence.

Responsible people do not shove a gecko into a critter keeper and bounce it around in the back of a car for two weeks. There is no way you can justify a decision to do so.


New Member
Auburn, AL
Not really a suggestion. More of a condemnation.

You are traveling for spring break. You own a pet and you're going to subject it to stressful, dangerous conditions because you selfishly want it around while you are selfishly having a vacation. You're not acting in the best interests of the animal, you're acting in the interests of your own convenience and whim.

IF you are prioritizing the well being of your pet then your options are; don't travel for spring break, instead remaining with your pet or you travel but you leave the gecko in its secure and controlled enclosure taking the necessary steps to ensure it has adequate care in your absence.

Responsible people do not shove a gecko into a critter keeper and bounce it around in the back of a car for two weeks. There is no way you can justify a decision to do so.

You dont know my reason for traveling. and you didnt read before your smart response. i said he doesnt eat out a bowl, doesnt like worms only really eats crickets. Im not leaving a week full of crickets in his viv. were they would just crawl all over him and stress him. When I said its not an option its not. im not going to the beach or some other college kid thing im going home for family issues. I passed on going on a trip my senior year with my friends to go home and handle these issues. So before you feel all empowered and all knowing. Know the facts i cant stay and he cant be left so thats my reason.
so if anyone has any helpful suggestions i would love to hear them.


Shillelagh Law
You dont know my reason for traveling.

I don't care what your reason for traveling is. It doesn't matter what your reason for traveling is. It's a non-issue.

i cant stay and he cant be left

Then you shouldn't own him.

However, I doubt it's as absolute as that, unless there's some other reason he can't physically stay where he currently is... like dorm room prohibitions on pets, in which case it goes right back to "you shouldn't own him."

Five to seven days... provide a large, shallow water dish and just leave him without food (or with some worms, regardless of his usual dietary preferences).

Longer than seven days, arrange for someone to fill a water dish and toss in a few crickets a couple times while you're gone. Unless you're going to try saying that there will be not one single person left anywhere on campus.

Either of these options, while not ideal, are far healthier and more responsible than hauling him around for a road trip. If you have even the slightest concern for the well being of the gecko, you will put aside your jackass "I want him with me." sentiments and do the responsible thing for the gecko.


New Member
Auburn, AL
Who are you to tell me what I can and can't own? And i dont see any jackasses here besides you. And no i live in a condo my roommate owns. So no im not doing anything illegal. Cant be left point blank. They let me live here free because they own the place i dont have to pay power,cable,nothing.Im not in a position to tell them what to do. They dont like leaving the power and air on for long periods of time. So it will get hot stuffy and he will have no uth. because there is no power. which means no uth. SO like i said. I know what im doing he cant be left. im not dumb ive weighed the options. He needs to go with me. POINT BLANK. THE END


Shillelagh Law
Who are you to tell me what I can and can't own?

Shouldn't. Not can't.

You shouldn't own a reptile that you're going to be forced to stress, mistreat and endanger every time a school break happens because it's irresponsible and totally unnecessary risk. You never should have obtained a reptile to begin with based on your living situation. You should have had the foresight and maturity to anticipate these problems and refrained from owning a pet that you are incapable of keeping responsibly.

You should find the gecko a new home, with an owner who isn't forced to subject him to unhealthy and dangerous conditions.

Or... y'know... give your roommate fifty bucks to cover the utilities while you're gone and leave a spare key with a friend who's going to be in the area so they can fill a water bowl every couple days.

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