Crusty the crested gecko passed away


New Member
Beale AFB, CA
My sweet little crestie that my husband named Crusty passed away sometime last night. She wasn't in the greatest shape when I took her in and I'd been thinking of putting her down because she had MBD so bad that she couldn't walk or eat on her own even though I tried my best to get as much calcium in her to try to reverse it. In the end it was the best for her because of her condition but I'm still going to miss feeding her and seeing her cute little face everyday.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Oh no, Nicole! I'm so sorry you lost Crusty. We develop a very special bond with the ones we nurse along and try to rehabilitate. It's so hard to see them suffer and die after so much commitment and love. I know you will miss him terribly...

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