


Hi! I bought two baby leopard geckos a expo a few weeks ago one was 11 days old at the time and the other a month and a few days yet the older one is smaller not really fat wise just shorter. They are both eating well and shedding but I have been told that the disease crypto stunts their growth. Is there any way the smaller one is just small or does it have to be crypto? X


New Member
Wales, U.K
Firstly, I don't know anything about crypto, but I would suggest typing "crypto" in the search tab at the top of the page. Or into your search engine.

I'm sure there are alot more symptoms than just growth stunts and after you have eliminated a few I'm sure you'll just find that he/she is just a little gecko, or ones a big gecko lol either way I wouldn't start worrying just yet.

Hope everything turns out fine for you and your leos,
And welcome :)

P.s if your still unhappy about the well-being of eiher of your leos it maybe a good idea to quarantine them incase the illness spreads, thats if there is an illness.
You may need to seperate them as they grow anyway, if they still haven't been sexed then problems may arise.

P.p.s. Also are you 100% sure their both eating well? And one is not gobbling up all the food, some leos can be extremely gready if given the chance :D Just a thought
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New Member
Clearwater, FL
First the symptoms for Crypto are: no interest in food (anorexia), regurgitation of food, extreme diarrhea, weight loss (wasting away, thin tail), lethargy etc etc

second there can be a hundreds of reasons why the older is smaller. If you are housing them together one could be bullying the other for food, one could be just a slow grower (I have a couple of those), one could be stressed by being housed with the other. etc etc

I would try seperating them and seeing how that works out. If they are eating a pooping there isnt anything to really be worried about. If they are housed seperately I would just give it time. Settling into a new place can also be stressful and slow the growth.

Another thought what is your setup like? What kind of heat, substrate, what are the floor temps?

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