

New Member
My husband and I have two Leopard Geckos. We got our first one and really didn't think too much about what it was. Just wanting it to be healthy and it didn't hurt that it was cute to boot. I do remember it was a Tangerine something. After my husband purchased our second one yesterday at a local reptile show it got me wondering more about our first one morph wise.

So I texted the breeder of our first one. He stated that its dad was a SHTCTB aka Tangerine and the mother was a patternless. Not knowing much about Leo morphs I wasn't sure what exactly that would produce. But if this helps here is a photo of our boy.

Now our female that we just got yesterday is a Super Hypo Tangerine Carrot Tail Het Raptor. Sorry no photo as we like to let them get settled in before photos. lol But if my husband gets his way and puts them together when they are ready to breed would there be any issues with their morphs? And what would be possible outcomes if anyone wants to take a stab at it. :)

Thanks in advanced.

Music City Geckos

New Member
Well, first year you would get some tangerines and normals. They would all be het tremper and eclipse. Second year would be when it would get interesting. Second year you would breed those best looking animals back to each other and you would have the posibility to turn out normals, eclipses, albinos, tangerines and RAPTOR's in all different flavored and varieties. Now of course the whole game could change if your first gecko could be het for tremper but you won't know that till you breed them.


Ghoulish Geckos
If the mom was a murphy's patternless, your gecko would be 100% het patternless. All the babies would be possible hets.

So a SHTCTB het MP x SHTCTB het Raptor would give you: A variety of super hypo tangerine carrot tail baldy babies that are all possible het tremper/eclipse/mp. No babies would be 100% hets from that pairing. Tangerine is line bred, so you'll get some variety of color from them.

But that male above is not baldy, so take the B out of the male's morph. ;)

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