How often should I give little Zeus some d3 calcium? I know it has bad effects if used too much and I've been using just regular calcium... But what's up with the d3? Like once a week?
Nocturnal animals like leopard geckos usually have a way of producing their own vitamin D, so he may not need any extra. It can be stored in the body for a long time, so if you give it to him too often it builds up and becomes toxic. I'm no expert, but I wouldn't give him any D3 unless he starts looking like he is having troule absorbing calcium (look for signs of MBD).
^^What he said. I'm more familiar with the effects of vitamin D in humans. To much wouldn't be poisonous exactly, but it would cause calcium to be leached out of your bones and deposited in your arteries, and other bad stuff. I'm assuming something similar would happen in reptiles, but I don't know for sure.