Dang it...



Well, my dad just lost his job, and the day after my boyfriend was laid off without any warning. So, now my boyfriend (Justin) is going into the Military, probably Air Force. Luckily, he's going to do something safe there, as he has done FANTASTIC on all of his asvag (?) tests, and each time he takes it he does better and better. I completely understand why he's doing it, it just really sucks. I'll be moving with him, and will probably live off base. He also mentioned today after I told him that I couldn't live on base unless we were married, and we wouldn't get house allowence unless we were married that he wants to talk to me about maybe getting married. We just aren't the 'marriage' type, which we had discussed before we started dating. But, I really don't hate the thought of it, a little weird but...we are going to talk a LOT about that. Don't want to jump into anything.

I'm just really stressed about it all, as I don't know where I'll be, or where he'll be. I'm just glad he's not going to jump in and risk his life. I couldn't bare waiting for 'that call' that might come...and if it did...wow.

Sorry...just needed to...don't know if I'm really venting, but I guess I just needed to talk.


Good for him, i think everyone should serve their country. Its a great experience especially during non combat because you can travel a lot and learn a lot on the governments dime. When your married they will give you plenty fr housing and you can always find help for anything. The airforce basic I hear is very easy, and I know they take care of their airmen and have plenty of fun.

Oh, ands it s ASVAB, Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. But you were close enough.

Anyway good luck for both of ya.


Whoops, ASVAB is what I meant to type, ha.

Thanks so much.


Personally I'd put off getting married, I know that I have other things to do in my life and I don't want to enter into something when I'm not ready - I'd be terrified that it would end in disaster needlessly because I hadn't learned how to live with a person yet. As for you, my friend who is the same age just got married to her long-term boyfriend, who is in the military, and I'm hoping she's doing well as I haven't heard from her. It's definitely done. I would typically say live together for a while (a year is best) to make sure you'll be alright before you get married, but yours is a unique situation... The only person who can decide is you. Just remember that marriage is supposed to be for life, and make sure that that is something you can handle. I think you'll be alright, no matter what happens. I'd put off the babies for a few years, though. ;)


Pet Human
Indianapolis, IN
Wow, that's a tough situation to be in. I would hold off on the marriage as well....I've been in a steady relationship for nearly five years and we still aren't ready to get married. :) I know a lot of people that got married young and it ended in disaster (not saying this is true in every single case, but still, you know?)

Good luck and I hope things work out for you guys.



We have been living together for a while now, and we've never had any problems. We are just not into the marriage thing. My parent's married at a young age, and they got divorced. We just see most marriages don't work out now-a-days, because it's just so easy to get out of them. We wouldn't be the type that would just get divorced though. We talk everything through and such. The marriage thing doesn't scare me at all, and I'm not worried about that...it's just odd because both of us had never thought we would actually get married to anyone. Oh, and we don't want kiddies...lol

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