Darling Beetles-- stupid, or what??


I don't know if I just have the worlds dumbest beetles, or if something's up, or what. My beetles, only a few at this point in time, are housed on Flukers High-Calcium Cricket Diet (plans to use a cereal blend later), and so far, as they are only a day old and less, have eaten some lettuce (some kind of green frilly stuff out of a bag of spring mix). My first batch found last night were all upside down.

As I was transferring them from the pupae tub to the beetle tub, they'd flip over when they hit a "bump" and I'd have to juggle rightening the flipped over ones with picking out the ones from the pupae tub. Annoying, really... When I pulled the tubs out tonight to move over pupae from the worms, and beetles from the pupae, the last nights beetles were again flipped over, and the newly molted ones were at least upright, but I still had to periodically flip over beetles as I sorted through the worm tub.

So, is my first batch just extremely stupid, or is that normal? Maybe it's a weather thing, or nutrional? The worms eat a random mix of romaine, what ever is in the spring mix, potatoes, squash and zucchini.

Tongue Flicker

Hardcore Animal Lover
Madina't Isa, Bahrain
Wahaha i think that's normal. I've kept superworm darkling beetles upside down for weeks at a time without any food. Just checking how hardy they are. To my surprise, they last 3 weeks on their backs without any food.

Unlike most beetles, they get a very hard time to flip themselves back. Once they see that it's to no avail they remain motionless to reserve energy.


Just noticed auto correct took away my "k" in darkling (for the record, just had to correct that last one THREE TIMES. One of which was "dark lord." Maybe we should just call them Voldemort Beetles from now on? Stupid phone LOL) hahaha!

Well, I'm glad to know they're just over all stupid, and I'm not breeding my own bunch if especially retarded bugs. I've got some egg crate stuff that the crickets come with. Would that help them?

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