Day Gecko


Kenny Powers

Ok I purchased a Day gecko from the ny reptile expo last week got him set up in his tank and everything. Since I've had him he's been active has eaten a few times and his color is really brilliant. Today I woke up turned his light on and i noticed he was really dark in color, now I know in a lot of other species that can mean he is stressed, so what could be causing this? I do not handle him, Temps about 85 humidity at 75-80 and I mist him daily. I have a tall exo terra tank with lots of vines hanging giving him plenty of places to climb and hide, have banana baby food and water available at all times. Any Ideas on whats wrong? Am I just over reacting could it be he is just about to shed?


New Member
Few things necessary:

Day geckos species? I assume we are talking about Phelsuma here...there are nearly 70 of them.
Wild-caught or CBB?
Pictures of setup?

Offhand, I see no mention of a basking spot or bamboo poles (or substitute appropriate sized pvc pipe) for hiding. It's not necessary for humidity to remain very high at all times it does the animals some good for a "dry-out" period (it shouldn't remain high all the time).

Banana? Is it fortified with calcium and vitamins? I currently use Crested Gecko Diet (CGD) as part of a regimen here with my Phelsuma.

Give some details and I can try to help you figure this out...

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