Day of/after shed attitude???

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
So Eros shed sometime today. When I went to give him his sunday snack tonight he was in a BAD mood and let me know it with the tail swishes and S shaped body posture with the raised tail. He couldn't have said "LEAVE me alone" any more clearly if he had spelled it out.

So I know they can be grumpy when in the process of fixing to shed, he actually wanted held a little earlier in the week when he was all ghosty, but didn't want petted. He just wanted to walk around and sit on my knee for a lil TV time. Toight however, since he shed he seemed to be more grouchy than earlier this week. Has anyone else experienced a leo that doesn't like handled the day they shed or directly after they shed? What a moody lil booger Eros is :main_rolleyes:


New Member
Sheffield, UK
realise any change in their attitude during shed time, other than they hide a bit more. But if i need to pick them up for any reason while they are shedding i do and they dont seem to mind too much. Infact ive had a male trying to shed on me, rubbing his head against my hand while i was holding him, only happened last week, it was quite funny. It was like he loved me so much he was rubbing up against me haha.


New Member
I think it just varies per leo.

For instance, my male really doesn't mind being held at all pre-shed, but is crazy and jumpy after shedding - he jsut wants to sit in his humid hide the rest of the day. My female is the opposite - she is crabby and does the tail waving if you pick her up before shedding, and doesn't care if you pick her up afterward.

Just a matter of Pre-Shed Syndrome or Post-Shed Syndrome I guess. :main_rolleyes:


New Member
Haha, "Don't bug me, I have PSS"

Norbert was all grey and ready to shed last night, went to go pick him up and he would have nothing to do with me. He spent the whole day in his humid hide and came out in the evening, tried to pet him and hold him like I do every night for a little bit, he was having none of it. He was all defensive and swishing his tail, wouldn't even let me come near him until I had his dinner in my hand :p
Today he's a little more friendly but a lot more active too than he's been the last few days, exploring around. I've only had him for about 2 weeks now, really enjoying getting to learn his personality.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Yeah we'll have to see how Eros does tonight. We usually do feeding and monday love-ins while we watch Boardwalk Empire :) I always feed him before handling... kind of like a trade off I guess but he's a lot happier with a full tummy. I've only had Eros since October 1 so we're still getting to know eachother as well ;)

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