Dead pupa?


New Member
United States
I've tried to find something on this on the internet, but no luck.

We have now had a total of six pupae (how do you even pronounce that??). One of them was injured, and it died. Now we have five. One of them has been a pupa for a long time now, and it stopped moving some time in the last couple of days. It looks kinda flat, and very dark. I think that one is dead too. What do you think, just by looking at the pics? It does not move whatsoever.

The other four are looking good so far. The huge on on the left in the pic is from last night. Way bigger than the other ones.

Question, any idea why they're dying? Am I doing something wrong? The pupae are in a small plastic container on my kitchen counter. I check every day to make sure they still move.
What do they look like right before they turn into beetles? How dark do the pupae get? How do I know they're about to turn into a beetle?
Am I housing them right? Do I need to change anything to help them survive?

As for the mealworms, I moved them to a bigger container, and I changed their bedding to a 1:1 mixture of Rainbow Mealworms' Mealworm Bedding and Insect Chow. I lay carrot slices on top, they seem to really like them. I made the change yesterday. Does that sound good?

Okay, the first two pics are of the pupa I think is dead. What do you think? The other two pics are of the other four pupae, the ones that still move.

pupa dead 2.JPG pupa dead.JPG pupa four 2.JPG pupa four.JPG

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