decontaminating leos?


New Member
Hanover, PA
what's the best way to make sure that a leo from a pet store doesn't carry a desease and give it to the rest of your collection? I don't like buying from petshops, but every now and then u run into a gem that you can't pass up


New Member
Hanover, PA
dang, thats crazy, so its best to keep those petco leos away n get ridda em quick apparently.... heh i found a batch of patternless's and red stripes at petcos believe it or not, i dont think that the 25 plus another 40 plus 15 on top of it is worth it for em though....


New Member
The vet I go charges 30 for the exam. If you bring them all in at once they may only charge you for one exam but you will most likely have to pay for each fecal.


trizzypballr said:
dang, thats crazy, so its best to keep those petco leos away n get ridda em quick apparently.... heh i found a batch of patternless's and red stripes at petcos believe it or not, i dont think that the 25 plus another 40 plus 15 on top of it is worth it for em though....

If you bought these I feel thats a poor statement. A total of 80.00 per leo isnt worth making sure that it's healthy? I think that is a hell of a fair prize. I'd pay infinate amounts of money to get a reptile healthy. Which I have done. I spent over 1000 on my first reptile ever. ( a w.c. savannah monitor.) between the mites, r.i., ticks, mouth rot that it had when i bought it, not too mention I was 10 and didn't know how to care for them properly he got another R.I. while I had him before I was done with him, and thanks to some experienced keepers I eventually got the housing done properly. Needless to say I did a ton of chores for my grandparents to keep that savannah alive and healthy haha.

But now that im 20 and pay for my own reptiles ive acctually gone in debt helping animals such as frilled dragons etc get healthy. So if you're not willing to treat a sick animal I dont reccomend you buying any animal c.b. or w.c., big breeder or pet store. I've gotten APTORs and sunglows from a big name breeder that were infested w/ parasites and even with vet help, and medication, they died. which totalled far over 1000 a piece.

I don't mean to be harsh but that's just my 2 pennies.


New Member
Hanover, PA
im not saying its not worth it to keep them healthy, im saying i feel id be better off going somewhere else to buy them where i most likely woulndt have to spend the money on vet bills


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
It doesn't matter where you buy them you should follow the same procedure of quarantine, fecal etc.

Now, I personally would not buy leos from petco at all, but thats jsut me, has nothing to do with the cost but more with promoting a company that doesn't care about animals.


dragonflyreptiles said:
It doesn't matter where you buy them you should follow the same procedure of quarantine, fecal etc.

Now, I personally would not buy leos from petco at all, but thats jsut me, has nothing to do with the cost but more with promoting a company that doesn't care about animals.

I would have to agree with all of that. :)

I've bought from many reputable breeders and so far the only ones that didn't have at least pin worms or something more serious are the Raining Red Stripes and the Mack snow I bought from Letkey. Which is why I will probably buy most of my breeders from him next year. Especially some of his Bell Hybinos. Those were beauties.

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