According to your experiences, for how long can a leopard gecko go without defecating? That is, without being impacted. For how long should a breeder/keeper wait without being worried?
According to your experiences, for how long can a leopard gecko go without defecating? That is, without being impacted. For how long should a breeder/keeper wait without being worried?
Well some yes but I don't think the threshold for someone to worry should be 24 hours. For example I have a female that defecates every other day and has always been like that and she's healthy. I mean what should be the threshold for people to really worry that something is wrong...
Shes fine, mine somtimes goes three days before defacating but he also dosent eat every day. I would say that if theyve been eating for 4 days straight and havent pooped in those four days then you should be worried but yours sounds perfectly normal and fine.