Dehydration.. help!!


New Member
My leopard gecko had a problem with dehydration in the past so my vet told me to soak him in warm water every few days. I just recently realized he never drinks out of his water dish but instead licks his moist house. I'm afraid he's not getting enough water and I don't want him ending up at the vet again. Any suggestions??


New Member
Austin, Texas
Usually they'll drink out of the water bowl you just won't see it. Yes, soaking him will help with dehydration. But you don't need to soak him that often if he's better. Meaning if he's pooping, eating just fine. I soak one of mine once a week because she has eating problems and dehydration problems just to be on the safe side.

If he stops pooping when he's eating for awhile that's usually a sign their dehydrated and/or are backed up.

Hope this helped ;)


Long Island Geckos
Mastic Beach, NY
I saw one of mine drink from the water bowl for the first time the other day and I've had them for over a year. I'm sure that it wasn't the first time.

Are you misting the moist hide often? I don't go crazy but as long as they have the choice of having some moist air around them that should be fine.

I also mist my guys once or twice a week so I know they at least lick a little off of themselves. I don't soak the cage, just a quick squirt on them.

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