Descriptions given to me when I got my leos, not sure what it all means


New Member
Ohio, United States

The top one in the pic said: Aberrant Dalmatian, father was a Mack Snow Enigma 66% Het Bell and mother was a E. Fasciolatus

Bottom one in pic: Jungle Circleback

Can anyone tell me what these mean?

Thank you


New Member
Dayton, Ohio
View attachment 69664

The top one in the pic said: Aberrant Dalmatian, father was a Mack Snow Enigma 66% Het Bell and mother was a E. Fasciolatus

Bottom one in pic: Jungle Circleback

Can anyone tell me what these mean?

Thank you

I'm not real familiar with the Dalmatian morph, but maybe Ben (ArtGeckos) or Dillon (GeckoLabs) can help you more than me. They both have worked with them, I believe. It usually is helpful if you can get a shot of them from the top down, showing the entire back as well as a side shot. [emoji4]

Aberrant basically means "atypical", so it isn't what your typical Leo of a particular morph would look like. In this case, I believe it means the yellow background on the Dalmatian is why the breeder would call it Aberrant. I don't think that you have a Dalmatian, though. Maybe a Fascio/Mack Snow Enigma?

Here is a tutorial of sorts that was done by ArtGeckos on how to breed a Dalmatian.

The other one is definitely a normal with a circleback (circle pattern on back), but without a shot of the entire back not sure if it is a Jungle or Aberrant pattern. A Jungle would have been broken bands on its body and tail with an irregular pattern from my understanding.

I'm no expert on either, though. LOL

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