Diablo Blanco Confusion


New Member
I really used all of the known morph calculators, but I don´t get it.:main_thumbsdown:
Can please someone who has the time for it, explain what I get from following breeding group:

(maybe you can go a little bit in detail, not only the results, I want to know why)

1.0 Diablo Blanco
0.1 Blazing Blizzard het. Diablo Blanco
0.1 Raptor poss. het. Diablo Blanco
0.1 Diablo Blanco



New Member
Ill be glaf to go into detail after i get off work tonight (on mobile right now). But i wanted to let you know that the calculators are alot easier to use if you first clearly decipher the tradenames on some notebook paper. for example, raptor ph db = "tremper albino eclipse ph blizzard".

I'll go ahead and answer a why-question: i think all the genes involved in your collection are "double recessive=active". het = 1recessive,1dominant". possible het = gecko might have received 1 recessive gene from a "het" parent (remember het means this parent absolutely has 1recessive,1dominant......so this geckos children will receive one or the other from this gecko)

So when mating with "het" geckos, about half will get that desired gene...half wont. When mating with possible-het, you wait and see if about half get the desired gene.....if none got it, then you have disproved the possibility of that het. Of course with double-recessive=active genes, you can only visibly confirm if you mate the parent to another parent that has the gene. For example, "poss het eclipse x eclipse" gives you some eclipses or no eclipses.....proving or disproving the "poss het eclipse" parent.


New Member
1.0 Diablo Blanco
0.1 Blazing Blizzard het. Diablo Blanco
0.1 Raptor poss. het. Diablo Blanco
0.1 Diablo Blanco
Definitions, copied from the leopardgeckowiki:

A Blazing Blizzard is a combination of the Blizzard morph and any of the 3 Albino strains.

RAPTORs are a combination morph. They are a combination of the Eclipse morph, Patternless Stripe morph, and the Tremper Albino morph.

Diablo Blanco morph is a combination of the Blizzard trait and the RAPTORs. Essentially, a Diablo Blanco is a combination of 4 recessive traits, Blizzards, Tremper Albinos, Tremper Eclipse, and Patternless Stripe.

Now let's define the tradenames of your geckos (for simplicity in comparing genetics).

1. Diablo Blanco: Tremper albino, Eclipse, patternless, blizzard
2. Blazing blizzard het Diablo blanco: Albino (unspecified strain) blizzard...het Eclipse, het patternless. (het eclipse het patternless = "het diablo blanco")
3. Raptor poss. het Diablo blanco: Tremper albino, eclipse, patternless, ...and it MIGHT carry just one recessive blizzard gene. (obviously it is not double-recessive-blizzard-gene or it would be visibly "blizzard"...making it a "Diablo blanco".
4. Diablo blanco: Tremper albino, Eclipse, patternless, blizzard (same as #1).


Most of this is simple because they are pretty much all going to be double-recessive=active gene traits. Your male Diablo blanco has ALLLL recessive genes for tremper albino, eclipse, and blizzard....and it is assumed to be "patternless".

So if he is your only hatchling, he will donate one of his genes for each trait to hatchling....this is easy to predict because he has nothing but double-recessives...so each hatchling is guaranteed a recessive gene from him.

#1 So the male DB parent provides:

a_ (tremper albino)
e_ (eclipse)
b_ (blizzard)
p_ (assuming no pattern..."patternless stripe is a whole different conversation"..not even mentioning the "types" of raptors: banded, striped, etc..lol)

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^every hatchling he produces will be guaranteed to start with this above. lower case represents recessive gene.

#2 Blazing blizzard het DB female provides:

_a (definitely albino, possibly tremper strain)
_? (definitely some eclipse)
_b (definitely blizzard)
_? (probably/possibly some patternless, but you can't tell visually because the "blizzard" gene blanks/overrides any pattern)

So the offspring are definitely: aa bb and some combinations of patternless and/or eclipse....because the BB het DB will randomly donate a recessive or dominant gene for the eclipse or patternless.


#3 basically, same as above, the mother has only double recessive aa ee pp, but has Bb for the blizzard gene. So the mother may possibly donate: _a _e _b _p .......ORRRR....... _a _e _B _p.

So you will end up with:

some aa ee pp bb = Diablo blancos
some aa ee pp bB = Raptor het blizzard (aka Raptor het DB)

NOTE: if #3 give you ONLY "raptor het blizzards", then the mother (#3 apparently did NOT carry the "het blizzard"...so that disproves the "possible het blizzard." But the good news is that you KNOWWWW that these new hatchlings are DEFINITELY "het blizzard" because they inherited one guaranteed recessive blizzard gene (b_) from the father Diablo Blanco.


#4 Diablo blanco female:

So easy to explain... :) The diablo female (just like the diablo male) only has: aa ee bb pp. So each of its hatchlings are guaranteed to receive: _a _e _b _p.

So ALL hatchlings from a "DB x DB" mating will have: aa ee bb pp...and that should produce ONLY Diablo blanco hatchlings.
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Bismarck, ND
Blazing Blizzard het DB female will give you: 50% Diablo Blanco and 50% Blazing Het DB
Raptor poss. het. Diablo Blanco will give you: Raptor het DB or possibly Diablo Blanco
Diablo Blanco will give you 100% Diablo Blanco


New Member

Definitions, copied from the leopardgeckowiki:

A Blazing Blizzard is a combination of the Blizzard morph and any of the 3 Albino strains.

RAPTORs are a combination morph. They are a combination of the Eclipse morph, Patternless Stripe morph, and the Tremper Albino morph.

Diablo Blanco morph is a combination of the Blizzard trait and the RAPTORs. Essentially, a Diablo Blanco is a combination of 4 recessive traits, Blizzards, Tremper Albinos, Tremper Eclipse, and Patternless Stripe.

Now let's define the tradenames of your geckos (for simplicity in comparing genetics).

1. Diablo Blanco: Tremper albino, Eclipse, patternless, blizzard
2. Blazing blizzard het Diablo blanco: Albino (unspecified strain) blizzard...het Eclipse, het patternless. (het eclipse het patternless = "het diablo blanco")
3. Raptor poss. het Diablo blanco: Tremper albino, eclipse, patternless, ...and it MIGHT carry just one recessive blizzard gene. (obviously it is not double-recessive-blizzard-gene or it would be visibly "blizzard"...making it a "Diablo blanco".
4. Diablo blanco: Tremper albino, Eclipse, patternless, blizzard (same as #1).


Most of this is simple because they are pretty much all going to be double-recessive=active gene traits. Your male Diablo blanco has ALLLL recessive genes for tremper albino, eclipse, and blizzard....and it is assumed to be "patternless".

So if he is your only hatchling, he will donate one of his genes for each trait to hatchling....this is easy to predict because he has nothing but double-recessives...so each hatchling is guaranteed a recessive gene from him.

#1 So the male DB parent provides:

a_ (tremper albino)
e_ (eclipse)
b_ (blizzard)
p_ (assuming no pattern..."patternless stripe is a whole different conversation"..not even mentioning the "types" of raptors: banded, striped, etc..lol)

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^every hatchling he produces will be guaranteed to start with this above. lower case represents recessive gene.

#2 Blazing blizzard het DB female provides:

_a (definitely albino, possibly tremper strain)
_? (definitely some eclipse)
_b (definitely blizzard)
_? (probably/possibly some patternless, but you can't tell visually because the "blizzard" gene blanks/overrides any pattern)

So the offspring are definitely: aa bb and some combinations of patternless and/or eclipse....because the BB het DB will randomly donate a recessive or dominant gene for the eclipse or patternless.


#3 basically, same as above, the mother has only double recessive aa ee pp, but has Bb for the blizzard gene. So the mother may possibly donate: _a _e _b _p .......ORRRR....... _a _e _B _p.

So you will end up with:

some aa ee pp bb = Diablo blancos
some aa ee pp bB = Raptor het blizzard (aka Raptor het DB)

NOTE: if #3 give you ONLY "raptor het blizzards", then the mother (#3 apparently did NOT carry the "het blizzard"...so that disproves the "possible het blizzard." But the good news is that you KNOWWWW that these new hatchlings are DEFINITELY "het blizzard" because they inherited one guaranteed recessive blizzard gene (b_) from the father Diablo Blanco.


#4 Diablo blanco female:

So easy to explain... :) The diablo female (just like the diablo male) only has: aa ee bb pp. So each of its hatchlings are guaranteed to receive: _a _e _b _p.

So ALL hatchlings from a "DB x DB" mating will have: aa ee bb pp...and that should produce ONLY Diablo blanco hatchlings.


New Member
Especially when trying to explain the genetics stuff to someone who doesn't "get" it yet, you might want to make sure not to confuse them with the "patternless" part.

MURPHY'S Patternless is a recessive gene, but patternless stripe is a polygenetic trait and isn't as simple as "het patternless". And DB don't show pattern, anyway, so the patternless stripe part isn't a necessary consideration.


New Member
Especially when trying to explain the genetics stuff to someone who doesn't "get" it yet, you might want to make sure not to confuse them with the "patternless" part.

MURPHY'S Patternless is a recessive gene, but patternless stripe is a polygenetic trait and isn't as simple as "het patternless". And DB don't show pattern, anyway, so the patternless stripe part isn't a necessary consideration.

Yeah, I know the Raptor "patternless stripe" is not a "one-gene" issue. I was trying not to confuse the OP anymore by going into that topic...my post was already as long as a city block. :D

But yes, when working with Raptors (or anything derived or built upon Raptors), the "p" in Raptor stands for "patternless stripe." Patternless Stripe is actually a combination of a stripe with a same color reverse-stripe. The end result is a visual patternless appearance...but it is not as simple as "pp = patternless". In my examples above, "pp" would actually translate to "stripe + reverse stripe"....


My best advice (from an amateur) pertaining to the "patternless stripe": Don't mate it with anything that appears to have any pattern...or you are most likely going to make hatchlings with patterns.

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