did i hurt the eggs?


New Member
Ok so I got up this morning and set-up my lay box when I went to put my girl in I noticed, your s skinny, I found the eggs one on the tile, one in the sand. I removed them both but I was so scared, when I put on in the container it rolled, I'm so scared man, I hope I didn't hurt them, the other one I had no problem getting it in it was just sticky to the tile, and I had to pull it from the tile. Please tell me do I have something to worry about


New Member
I think you'll be fine, I have been told the cell mass doesn't settle and anchor itself until a few days after it has been laid. I have had the same happen to me when transferring an egg and the egg hatched out perfectly healthy. :)


New Member
Ok wow, I'm so nervous, these are my first eggs and I just want it to go well, I want males so I will incubate at 90f so it should take about 36 days right?


New Member
brooklyn nyc
yes 90 would be temp sexed to males and timing is around or about 30ish days to 40ish days and dont be nervous just be prepared to lose eggs as nature will take its course dont bum yourself over it ! GOODLUCK !
haha I remember when I saw our geckos first eggs I was so nervous I dropped it, I thought for sure I had killed it, didn't have it marked on which side or anything so idk if I put it back right. Then the poor thing had to live through us getting the moisture right and it had its saggy days and its soggy days, its hot days and its cold days, it even had to travel nine hours in the car with us and then BAM out pops this HUGE baby gecko hissing and snapping. I swear if they are ment to hatch they are going to hatch! I think yours will be fine. Good luck with them!

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