Did my leo just have a SEIZURE???


New Member
I got my female leopard gecko out to take pictures and sat her down on the usual stand under the light. This is something Ive done many times. My Leo sat there for a second so I took a picture without the flash. Then she suddenly ran off the stand and landed on the carpeted floor. (She has done running leaps before so I didn't think anything of it.)

This time it was different. When I put her back on the stand she started to act weird. At first I thought she was reacting to the scent of the male that I had there a minute before. She started with dragging her back end and slowly "wagging" her tail like I seen males do when they are marking. Then things got weird. Her tail started wagging even more. Her back end stiffened up to the point that she was wobbling, her back legs stiff as a board, her tail still wagging as it throws her body side to side. This lasted for a minute. Then after unable to use her back legs for another minute, they started working again but she looked very unstable.

I just checked on her and her back legs are not back to normal but very close. She is just slightly off.

WHAT happened to her? I have never seen this before and I've owned geckos for over 4 years.

Btw it seemed like only her back end was effected. Her front legs work fine and her front half was moving/ acting normal.
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Ridgewood, NJ
I have no idea what you witnessed but it would scare me! If she's not back to normal in a day or so I might get her to a vet for a check up to make sure there's nothing going on that could be corrected or helped. Good luck and keep us posted!


New Member
I have no idea what you witnessed but it would scare me! If she's not back to normal in a day or so I might get her to a vet for a check up to make sure there's nothing going on that could be corrected or helped. Good luck and keep us posted!

Luckily by the next day she was almost 100% back to normal. She is acting normal again. Thank you. I hope it doesn't happen again.

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