Diplodactylus Collection



Im selling most of my Diplodactylus collection. These are not old burnt out breeders, they are all young adults, except the babies. I have example pictures in the collection section of my web site, if you are interested I can get pics of actual geckos for sale. Thanks for looking!

1.2 D. Dameus $350 trio, breeding know
1.0.3 D. Galeatus male and babies $100 ea.
0.2 D. Pulcher adult females $400 ea.
0.2 D. Steindachneri adults $200 ea.
0.1.1 D. Stenodactylus $150 adult female $100 baby
2.2 D. Tesselatus $300 pair
1.1 D. Vittatus $300 pair breeding know

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