diy tanks - formica for tank flooring?



I have some left over countertop and I was thinking of using it for the bottom of some diy tanks.
I want to make a setup for several geckos with diy tanks side by side with one gecko per tank. I was going to use the formica for the ground flooring and wanted some opinions on the following:

1. Would it be ok to have heat directly under this material? I will be using heat cable. I guess it would work because you can put hot pans on the formica without issue and they certainly get warmer than the heat cable would be.

2. Would the heat reach the surface enough to provide the ground heating for the gecko?

3. Would it be toxic to the gecko?

4. Was also wondering if anyone had any photos or ideas of how to make (diy) multiple tanks side by side and run heat cable along each one consecutively? The idea is to have it like a rack system with bins setup but instead have either a plexiglass or glass front that is simply one long piece of glass across the fronts of each diy tank running along a track. I want to be able to view the geckos better than I could with bins but also want to be able to efficiently run the heat cable and build the tanks side by side.


anybody got any ideas

looking for ideas for this setup from the original post.

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