Do leopard geckos eat less as the grow from a juvie to an adult?


New Member
I was just wondering if the amount they eat changes because my gecko only ate 6 small superworms today. Usually he (actually Sonny might be a she) eats about 13 small supers, but today she only ate 6. I hope I haven't been overfeeding because I've been treating Sonny like a juvie; just feed until they stop. I got Sonny in January, from Petco at 4 in. and now she's about 7 inches. I don't know how old she is, but I guess the eating less could be due to being an adult? There's a possibilty Sonny could have been about 7 months when I got her, even though she was only 4 inches, right? Or maybe Sonny is a girl and it's "her time of month" as we would call it xD I doubt Sonny is sick because she's showing normal behavior and the poop is normal. Any answers are greatly appreciated :) thanks in advance!


New Member
Raleigh , NC
I used to stress like this about feeding when I first got my gecko but I learned that when they are adults they can go 3 weeks+ without eating lol . Just monitor your geckos weight and feces :). I feed mine about 2-3 superworms every 3-4 days or about 5 large crickets every 3 days.

And yes they do eat much less as they get older , just be sure to buy the large superworms when they are adults so you don't have to feed as many.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Yep... Eros started cutting back to his adult rations around 9 mos old. Went from eating 3-5 supers per sitting 3-4x a week to eating 1-2 supers 3x a week.


New Member
Thanks everyone! I was just making sure it's normal, although I was probably worrying over nothing because yesterday Sonny ate 13 supers again haha I think it was just the temperature that day that threw her off because when I checked the temp it was 98 and I was like whoa! So I checked the thermostat probe and it wasn't touching the ground, so I taped it back. So I guess Sonny isn't quite a year old yet, cause she's still eating like a pig :)

And yes they do eat much less as they get older , just be sure to buy the large superworms when they are adults so you don't have to feed as many.

I didn't think they could fit supers down their throat haha Recently, I bought small supers and a large super happened to be in the container with them (I still have the large super by the way...I don't know what to do with it xD I'll probably just bring it back to the store if Sonny can't eat it because it's huge) So a 7 inch, probably sub-adult, gecko can eat large supers? If so, then I'll buy large supers and it will save me a lot of time xD But the large super I have is definitely wider than the width between Sonny's eyes...or maybe it's an extra large? Do they even sell that size? haha

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