Do you usually take pictures during day or night?


Happy Gecko Family
I want to take some proper pictures of my geckos (with some lighting and a background); instead of the everyday ones when they happened to come out before the sun is down. So, when do you usually take pictures? Do you wake them up in the afternoon? Or do you wait till night-time, then turn on the room lights? I suppose it doesn't really matter, just want to know how everyone does it.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I only take photos between the hours of 10:00 am and 1:00 PM when the sun comes through the window of my gecko room. If I need additional light, I use a standard broad-spectrum fluorescent bulb overhead and use the white balance only on my camera. I like using a solid white background (a piece of paper, lol!) because is helps reflect the light around the gecko. The challenge is getting accurate pics of the albinos, because they are so light-sensitive! With them, I have to take several shots using the white balance setting and changing it up or down for each shot, and then pic the photo that most accurately depicts their color.

Practice, practice, practice... and lots of frustration at first.


Happy Gecko Family
Thanks Marcia. The problem here is that the apartment I live in, has green tinted glass; so the ambient light in the room is slightly greenish to start off with; its not obvious to the eye, but the green tint does show through in the pics...I hope the white balance setting can solve this problem. Now, I need dig out the intruction manual for my camera (had it for 4 years, and never used a single function except macro...)

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