Does anyone else's savannah do this?


New Member
New Jersey
I mist tripod's cage every other day and she loves to come out and drink right from the mister as I am spraying. Does anyone else's monitor do this? She has a cat litter pan that is half full with water(she can submerge in this) that I change every afternoon after she poops in it. She eats 2 mice a week now and is always hungry(normal I know). Just was wondering if anyone's sav has these little quirks. She was very good for her first nail trim and is finally let me pick her up without tail whipping and now hangs out with me about 15-20 minutes without getting upset. I try to put her back before that so it ends on a good note. She even lets me rub her head. She barely hisses now too. She is such a good girl.:D

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