Does environment changes affect daily living?


New Member
Hi all i seem to have an issue starting to brew which i hope will just pss by. I bought my boyfriend a chameleon on sunday and he didnt have tank, so we had to take spots home a 10 gallon and move her. I have a 20 gallon long with a coco fiber substrate, but flower and spot both have only been on that since last night. I was wondering if environment change will affect their eating/pooping habits. Spot hasnt wasted since sunday when i yanked her from her home, flower has pooped up until last night(until last night she styed in the same enclosure) when i put them in the new tank. It doesn't seem to me either of them have touched their mealies and theirs no signs either wasted throughout the night. They both are living in a considderably larger set up that they once did. They get along and go everywhere together and have been sleeping together in this rock hide i bought. I dont think there is any bullying going on cause where one is the other isnt far behind. I havent seen any signs of aggression and both are very close to each other in size. Just curious if the new environment could have them spooked? I know the coco fiber could result in impaction but its been less than 24 hours so i m thinking its a "change" issue not a substrate issue. your thoughts?

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