Does my gecko need a friend?


New Member
I have a full grown( we think female)leo. I was thinking about getting her a friend. Is it ok to put a little one in the tank with her or will she eat it? We have a 20 gallon tank. Or do they like to be totally alone? She seems to crave attention when we are home. She watches the tv and our every move in the evenings.


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
I have a full grown( we think female)leo. I was thinking about getting her a friend. Is it ok to put a little one in the tank with her or will she eat it? We have a 20 gallon tank. Or do they like to be totally alone? She seems to crave attention when we are home. She watches the tv and our every move in the evenings.

Never put a leos of different size,or for that matter never put any leo together.There are chances of bullying.Leos are not social animals.they do better alone.Leos do not watch tv nor do they crave attention.All they need is the necessities of life.


New Member
Tulsa, Oklahoma
First make sure u have a female and then get another female. If the new gecko is smaller than your current gecko the keep it in a separate cage until they r about the same size. Then introduce the new gecko and keep an eye on there behavior for the next few weeks to make sure there is no fighting or bullying. If there is then separate them for a few days before reintroducing them.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Contrary to what many believe, leopard geckos are solitary creatures and do not get lonely. They will tolerate each other in groups of more than one female, or one male and a few females for breeding purposes... otherwise they do just fine when kept individually.


New Member
I really wanted to get Geek a tank mate - didnt want him lonely.....but after all my research - I did find that the majority in the know about Gecko's state they are all good being solitary and in fact its better that they remain so for various reasons.

So, I adopted a trio of Gecko's from my area. I wouldnt have put 3 together but since they were already together and needed a home....seemed like a win-win to me.

Geek will remain my spoiled brat in his big ole 40b.....I dont think he minds....

Just my 2 cents...


New Member
Ive tried homing my females together before at different times and they just dont get on, either the bigger one bullies the smaller or in Daisy's case even though she was smaller than Peppa she still decided to attack her.

All my geckos are inquisitive and at times seem lonely because they crave attention and i think its normal to think they might like a friend but unless you have the setup for another gecko and can afford it i would suggest against it and just give the one you have extra love :)


New Member
I am neither for nor against geckos being housed together. I have solos, i have dous, trios, and even a group a four. Do i recommend housing together? No. For a few reasons. If one gets sick you dont know who is sick, and the others may get it. Fights. if breeding you wont know who laid ext. Since I choose to house together i take precations. I hand feed everyone and make sure everyone is fat and full to minimize fights over food. I provide alot of hides both on and off the heat. As of yet I have had only one fight and that was with 2 dominate geckos. Both female. Both the same size. All i can say is some geckos get along others dont. If yours was brought up alone chances are she'd rather be alone.I find if not raised in groups its harder to for them to get along. I dunno honestly. I house my girls in 45 gallon equivalent custom cages.


New Member
I've actually successfully had 5 females and 1 male in a large tank for literally years and never had any issues with my gecko's bullying or so on. I fed often, everyone was a happy camper. Especially the male. Haha I wonder why.... xD

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I used to house my leos in breeding colonies, and it worked out OK... but not without issues. I'm not saying it can't be done, but the original post question is, "Does my gecko need a friend?" The answer is no, your leo doesn't NEED a friend.


Winchester, UK
a few of my geckos always want to come out as soon as you go in the room tey are scratching at the front of their vivs wanting to come out, then once their out they quite happy to just sit on your shoulder while i watch tv. they do seem to watch it to but i think this is just them watching the movement not getting into the program :p
they also like my fish tank, some times even try to catch the fish through the glass :D

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