Does she get enough?


New Member
Denver, CO
I realize that each gecko is different depending on many factors, but wondered what an average two year old eats once settled? My recent addition seems healthy, but has been eating maybe 8-12 large mealworms a week, at present, and usually just around 2 a day. I realize she is new and could still be adjusting, but didn't know if her appetite would catch up, or if she'll stay this way.

Could she be too cold? It's around 70 on the cold side (our heater isn't the most efficient) and 93 on the warm with an uth. Do they tend to eat less when the cold side is less than 75 degrees?

My other is around 8-9 months old and eats like a pig (around 36 mealworms/phoenix worms a week). I know he is younger, more active, and outgoing though.

Just curious!

Ink'd Out Geckos

New Member
Tamiment, PA
They tend to really slow down eating when they hit adulthood and also this time of year seems to cool mine off naturally. I dont know if its the barometric pressure (spelling is terrible) or the cycle of daylight which happens outside. At about 2 years old is when I've noticed the eating slow down to where I notice it more. That in combination with her being new is probably the issue. I wouldnt compare the appetite to a young gecko. Theyre eating to grow while the older ones just eat to maintain weight. Monitor her weight and all should be fine. My temps in the tubs are actually similar to yours. My hot side is hovering between 92 and 95 and the cool side is around 75. The gradient is whats important because they will regulate their temp as they see fit. Hope this helps.


New Member
Denver, CO
That is helpful, thank you! She does seem to be maintaining her weight just fine and has had a good shed since being with me, so I'm not too concerned about her. Was also just trying to bank on how many insects I should budget to feed her; at this rate, she only eats what my other does in a day! I guess we won't need to purchase 500 at a time next go-around...;)


New Member
Denver, CO
So while her weight still seems unchanged, we are now at where she will go a week or so without eating, or eating maybe one mealworm, then it seems her body catches up, and she'll eat a few each day for a few days, then back to none for a week or more.

Should I assume that as long as her weight is maintained, this will just be normal for her? We can just always leave some in the dish for her as needed...though since we just got a bearded dragon, maybe I'll man up and be able to offer her a few crickets once a month...*sighs*


Ridgewood, NJ
I feed most of my adults about once a week in the off season.They get 10-15 mealworms every 5-7 days - even less frequently if they are overweight (which most of them are!). Most of my gals would eat more if I gave it to them but the boys usually start refusing food if I feed them more often. I weigh them once a month or so to make sure they aren't gaining or losing weight (unless I want them to) and adjust their feeding accordingly.

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