Does this look like crypto?


New Member
I got a gecko from a breeder, but after pestering him about how his gecko wasn't eating that he gave me, he admitted that he just bought it from a petstore.

I've tried everything, the last thing i have left i can try is medicine for a bacterial infection, like Flagyl.

I can't find many pictures online of crypto under a microscope but this is what i've found.. its only 300x magnification, or is crypto too small to see with the a regular micsoscope? I've been researching for hours and nothing. If anybody knows anything please respond

^4AEB47EE19FC3FE2C647DF8050981D20A2BD2F8A3583190078^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg ^63933FE14866D1082F9FBD7EC2918FF06435D3B3512E4A6E06^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg
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Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
Unfortunately, you would be very unlikely to be able to diagnose crypto with a microscope.

There are stages of the disease when it is sub-clinical and extremely difficult to detect. Until recently, the only 100% accurate method of diagnosis for crypto was post-mortem pathology of the stomach and intestines. In most cases, Cryptosporidium must be shedding, or in their reproductive stage, in order to be detected by conventional microscopic methods, as normal/routine fecal tests (floats and/or smears) are unreliable and produce too many false negatives.

Today, more sophisticated and precise test methods are available to accurately diagnose Cryptosporidium infection. Samples of feces, regurgitated stomach contents, endoscopic biopsies, and by-products of cloacal or stomach flushes may be used to detect Cryptosporidium.

- Acid-Fast Stain (AFS) Test: This common method employs the use of carbol-fuchsin, which is a mixture of phenol (carbolic acid) and basic fuchsin ( a biological purplish-red pigment), because it has a natural attraction to the mycolic acids found in cell walls. This compound stains the walls of the Cryptosporidium oocysts, creating a bright red contrast visible on laboratory glass slides under 100X microscopic power. This test may need to be repeated several times in order to make a positive diagnosis, as the parasite is not always shedding (in its reproductive state) in order to be visibly observed.

- Merifluor Immunofluorescent Assay (IFA) Test: This test is 16X more sensitive than AFS method. This method uses the blood, saliva, or other bodily fluids from an animal that is then evaluated by a laboratory. Certain chemical reagents are used which cause the targeted antibody or antigen, (any substance that causes your immune system to produce antibodies against it) is linked to an enzyme, which are complex proteins that cause a specific chemical change in other substances, without being changed themselves. If the target substance is present in the sample, the test solution turns a different color when observed through fluorescence.

- Enzyme-linked immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Test: Similar to the IFA test, this procedure uses components of the immune system and chemicals to detect immune responses in the body (for example, to infectious microbes). The ELISA test involves an enzyme (a protein that catalyzes a biochemical reaction), and an antibody or antigen (immunologic molecules). The ELISA test is generally considered to be the most accurate test for diagnosing Cyrptospridium infection, but is also more elaborate and therefore more expensive to perform.



New Member
That is unfortunate but also very relieving. My girlfriend is suspecting a bacterial infection so I have Metronidazole to try, if that fails, then it's definitely crypto. Because he was treated for worms, respiratory infection, and everything else, but he still doesnt eat and pretty much just poops liquid.

I'm suspecting a liver problem because the medicine I give him doesnt seem to process well, and neither does his food (force feed liquid/crushed worms) . If it's liver failure theres not much I can do, he has a very big blue spot on his belly, wasn't housed on sand either
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