Does this look ok for a rack bin?


New Member
I'm going to be using it with an animal plastics rack. I have 3" flexwatt at about the location of the silver tape. The gecko in the picture (Gizmo) is 34 grams.


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New Member
Why would you need heat tape in the tub when animal plastic racks come with heat tape? And what are you going to use to control the temp. Oh I;m sorry you must mean the heat tape in rack is about where the tape is. I have an animal rack andpersonally feel the small bins are only good for little ones. But I'm new to this
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SC Geckos

New Member
i have never used a styrofoam box for a hide but it should work. I like the two hides in one idea. My only concern would be if any little pieces of the foam break off and get injested.
I would just be prepared to clean up coco fiber. With the hole in the front of the hide Im sure it will be everywhere. I have the hole cut in the top of my lay boxes and my girls go out of there way it seems to kick coco fiber out.


New Member
i have never used a styrofoam box for a hide but it should work. I like the two hides in one idea. My only concern would be if any little pieces of the foam break off and get injested.
I would just be prepared to clean up coco fiber. With the hole in the front of the hide Im sure it will be everywhere. I have the hole cut in the top of my lay boxes and my girls go out of there way it seems to kick coco fiber out.

Yeah, and for some reason our male is making a much bigger mess than any of our females,

The one downside I've found with the styrofoam is that the mealworms try to burrow through it (quite successfully). I'm ending up with styrofoam dust in the bin. I'm going to grout over it in the very near future to try to prevent it.


New Member
Why would you need heat tape in the tub when animal plastic racks come with heat tape? And what are you going to use to control the temp. Oh I;m sorry you must mean the heat tape in rack is about where the tape is. I have an animal rack andpersonally feel the small bins are only good for little ones. But I'm new to this

Yeah the tape is on the rack, not in the bin.

That's a 15quart bin btw.

Seems to be working well for the individual smaller females. Once we start the breeding process it will be 2 females in a 32 quart,


New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
I'm just not a breeder/have a bunch of leos type person. I feel bad that the bins aren't bigger and there aren't any plants or anything for them to really explore. It does look too small to me, but maybe it just looks really small because it's a pic? I'm not dissin you or anything. Call me a bleeding heart. I have to spoil my cat and my gecko rotten. Like, it would probably disgust you that my leo is as spoiled as she is. LOL! That was just my opinion. I say if you're comfortable with it and they seem comfortable with it, then cool. :)

SC Geckos

New Member
Im sure if geckos did better in large tanks that at least some breeders would house them that way. Over the past 10 years of keeping leopard geckos I have found that my geckos seem to do better in a rack system versus a tank of any size. I have no data to support this but I think it could be that they feel more secure in a tub with no bright lights and no large open areas where they may feel vulnerable to predators. In the wild they are not known to venture out in the open very often due to potential predators.
Also with a smaller enclosure it doesn't take nearly as long for a gecko to acclimate to its new home. In a large enclosure it may take some geckos (like hatchlings and juvies) alot longer to feel comfortable.
Again this is just based on my opinion and not fact.


New Member
Styrofoam is terrible. As your leo climbs it day after day, pieces will come loose. Also, escapee mealworms will have a field day building all sorts of tunnels in it leaving fine foam powder everywhere.

SC Geckos

New Member
Styrofoam is terrible. As your leo climbs it day after day, pieces will come loose. Also, escapee mealworms will have a field day building all sorts of tunnels in it leaving fine foam powder everywhere.
Styrofoam is great IMO opinion when it comes to designing a hide or cage decor. Lots of people use it for all sorts of reptiles. Its cheap and the things you can make are only limited by your imagination. Once the foam is grouted and sealed it works great. As the OP stated above, he is going to grout the hide.

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