That leo is on the verge of emaciation and needs to see a herp vet as soon as you can hon. If the lizard is eating and not gaining weight that is usually a sign that there could be a parasite invasion. Parasites usually live in the intestines which is where nutrients are absorbed into the system, and when you see failure to thrive parasites are usually the first suspect. I would absolutely suggest at the very leat taking a fecal sample to the vet and have it tested for parasites. The leo will not gain weight until the parasites are taken care of no matter what you feed it. Also once the issue is resolved you need to feed slowly and consistantly to avoid re-feeding syndrom.
Also what is your tank set up like? temps? I see paper towels so that's good, and how do you heat the tank? Lights? UTH?
Thanks to u all for replying my text and care about my leopard gecko.the previous owner told me that she after laying egg 8 months not really sure about the egg..but the previous owner told me that shes healthy..but until now shes havent gaining any weight..n havent shedding..
I left the superworm inside meal dish from the day she come until now she dont want to eat really worried about her..i try to order UTH from online..waxworm also difficult to get at my country..
Proper temperatures are just as important in my opinion. Too low and the leo slows down and doesn't have the drive to eat, coupled with the parasite load... not good. At least if the tank is warmer you hold a better chance of making the leo more apt to want to eat more.
I think you are missing the point. You are trying to address things that may or may not be affecting the situation. If you or a family member were this sick you would at least see a doctor, possibly go to the hospital. The same needs to be done here. Bring a fecal sample to the vet. He will examine the poop to see if there are parasites. Any vet can do this and prescribe medicine that could help. Do that before you run around trying to fix things that aren't nearly as important.