down to skin and bones


New Member
Hello everyone,

I have been asking your advice on a juvie leo that I have. She is about 3 months old and is only now 4 grams. She was growing regularly then out of the blue stopped eating. She drinks water like crazy, and still has energy (which I dont understand). I have been giving her slurry, but no weight gain. and no poo that doesnt completly nothing for a fecal. She also has a green spot on her belly, it cant be impaction she has always been on papertowels. She crawls all over the place....all this energy...just no real food and no fat. she has used up all her fat in her tail and everything! cage temps 94 degrees (raised a little cause she is sick) and 79 on cool. She stays on cool. Any advice would be great!


Mike Shaffer Reptiles
Pennsylvania, USA
Have you tried any electrolyte fluid? Sorry if the spelling is wrong. I have heard the spots mean dehydration. I know you said it's drinking alot, but something could be causing dehydration. Just my opinion. Sorry if I'm wrong. Keep us updated. Mike


I would like the answer to this as well. I have a patternless male baby (may have been to young to ship), I got it off from a guy who has a very high rating on over 100 transactions.

He was little, but eating like a pig when I got him. I have had him about two months. After a few days, he just stopped eating. I thought maybe it was stress, so I moved him into his own room. Hot side temps stay around 92 and cool side around 80, he stays in his moist hide most of the time, but is fairly active. He has gone through 3 sheds since I had him.

He drinks a lot of water, but is very thin. He has had fecals and the vet says he is clean. He will eat jumpstart off my finger, has eaten a little slurry, but likes the jumpstart better and will take a little reta-aide, but I can't get him to eat anything real. I have tried small mealworms, small crickets, phoenix worms, small silk worms, wax worms, butter worms and these things called mini mealworms that look more like a tiny centipede than a traditional mealworm.

His tail just gets thinner and he is pretty much skin and bones. He is also on paper towels.

Because of the jumpstart, he is producing fecals but they absorb completely into the papertowel. When I first got him they looked very healthy and he was eating small crickets for the first few days.

I add this electrolyte stuff to his water and he drinks a lot of the water, so I wouldn't think he is dehydrated.

Any suggestions would be very appreciated, since I think he is getting enough in his system to stay alive, but he sure isn't growing at all, just the opposite. He was a little thin when I got him.

Thank you.

PS, not trying to take over your thread, but we seem to be in the same boat, so I thought between both of us, someone might have a suggestion that works. Hope that is ok.

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