Dubai breeding...


New Member
They say 3-4 months to feed out of it. If you have no full grown adults I would lean toward 4. I have my adults in their own bin then a grow out bin or mixed nymphs.


New Member
United States
I bought 50 Large sized Dubia Roaches at a reptile expo for 15 bucks. They are 1"+. I also previously had a male and female that I got with an order of roaches. The two adults didn't pump out enough babies, which I expected, so I got the 50 Large, and put them in their own drawer where I keep my feeders, with proper housing, food, and water crystals. They are on the same Flex Watt sheet that my geckos are on and I haven't had any fatalities yet. I call it my Grow Out Bin as listed above. The lady I purchased from said it'd be about a month before adults started popping up. So I put the 2 adults and the smaller nymphs I had from before in a Feed and Breed drawer, same set-up as my Grow Out. I don't touch the grow out drawer, besides upkeep and check-ups. If I were to feed a roach to my geckos, I get one from the Feed and Breed drawer, since that is where the smaller nymphs (feeding size) will be born, raised, and always gut loaded. Once I get more adults, I will maintain a steady reproduction rate and eventually have more than I need. But I doubt that I'll ever have "too many" as I would like to make this their staple diet from hatchling to the day they are shipped out. Check out my Facebook page and I have a picture posted on my setups. The left side is what I am talking about. The bottom two levels are 3 geckos and the 3 from bottom is the dubia's. Mealworms on top.

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