

New Member
Los Angeles
I'm curious if anyone else has had a similar experience with their leos.

This morning there was a little earthquake, around 4:30am. I kinda woke up, then went to go check on my Sun Ae. Around 5ish in the morning, he's usually up, but is chilling deep in his warm hide after eating nummy wormies while I was asleep.

This morning, however, he was not inside, or under, anything, just sprawled flat out on the tile. He didn't seem agitated, even when I plucked him up to check him over and making sure nothing in the geckohouse had fallen, but when he crawled off my hand and back into his house, he refused to go inside any of his caves or hides. All morning he's been out, asleep or awake, just not inside or under any cover.

I think he's a little freaked out by the quake! Has anyone else ever seen what their leo did during or after an earthquake?

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